Carmen Benito Vessels

A graduate of the Universities of Salamanca (1977), and California-Santa Barbara (1988), Dr. Benito-Vessels is the autor of two books Juan Manuel: Escritura y recreación de la historia (University of Wisconsin, Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1994) La palabra en el tiempo de las letras. Una historia heterodoxa (México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2007) and Lenguaje y valor en la literatura medieval española (Delaware, Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, 2014). She is also one of the editors of two volumes: The Picaresque. A Symposium on the Rogue's Tale (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1994) and Women at Work in Spain from The Middle Ages to Early Modern Times (New York: Peter Lang 1998). Benito-Vessels is also the co-author of Horizontes: Cultura y Literatura (Boston : Heinle and Heinle, 3rd edition 1997, and 4th edition 2000). She has published articles and conducts research on the fields of Medieval historiography and poetry, the interaction of medieval literary genres and on Hispanic Philology. Courses and seminars: Medieval Spanish Literature, History of the Spanish Language.