The Tom Reeves Fan Page

On Wednesday 26 February 2014 Dr Tom Reeves, Professor Emeritus of the University of Georgia, presented a workshop on Evaluation and Assessment to a combined meeting of staff of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and the Western Cape Learning and Development Community of Practice.

Tom graciously agreed to make his slides available to us, and also shared electronic copies of a book co-authored by himself and John Hedberg.

We will make these available until 15 April 2014.

Thanks, Tom!

Reeves, T.C. (2014) Assessment and Evaluation for Authentic Learning. Presented to the CPUT and CTCoP. 26 Feb.

Reeves, T.C. (2006) How do you know they are learning?: The importance of alignment in higher education. International Journal of Learning Technology. 2(4), 294-309.

Reeves, T.C. & Hedberg, J (2008) Evaluating E-Learning: A User-Friendly Guide.