Presentations T&L with AI


Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence: Current Issues

(Written by ChatGPT)

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is a rapidly growing field, with many potential benefits and challenges. On the one hand, AI can be used to personalize learning for individual students, providing them with tailored instruction and support. AI can also help teachers to identify areas where students are struggling, allowing them to provide targeted interventions.

However, the use of AI in education also raises important ethical and societal questions. For example, how can we ensure that AI systems are fair and unbiased, and do not reinforce existing inequalities? How can we protect student privacy while using AI to improve learning outcomes? And what will be the impact of AI on the future of work, and how should we prepare students for this changing landscape?

These are just some of the complex issues that will be explored at the Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence Symposium. We invite educators, researchers, and experts in the field of AI to join us in discussing these and other important topics. Together, we can help to shape the future of education in the era of AI.