

Cam-eye is an iOS application that enables one to access multiple video feeds from Raspberry pi camera modules. Cam-eye also works with other networked cameras that can output in Motion JPG (mjpg) format. I get over 25 frames per second even when I access the cameras over the internet via VPN!

You must know how to install the OS on a raspberry pi and configure it.


You need to buy a Raspberry pi 3 or a Raspberry pi zero W (I tested this app with 7 Raspberry pi zero W). You will also need a Raspberry pi camera module. There are 2 revisions (1.3 and 2.1) and two types Color and Infrared (which does not have the IR filter). I would use the cheapest one (revision 1.3 and either type). You will need to install the Raspbian operating system on a microSD card. Follow the instructions on on how to install the OS etc. I configured all the Raspberry pi cameras with a static IP address. Now the only thing missing is to download the server software and run it on the raspberry pi. The Python3 server software can be downloaded from here. (for IPv6 support, please modify the server based on its comments).

The default username is: username the default password is: password the default port number the server is listening on is: 8200

Please note that the user name and password simply protect access to the camera feed. All traffic is sent in clear-text (there is no encryption).

A guide on how to build and set up a camera is here: BuildCamera.pdf