Welcome To Calumet Ranch!

The Board of Calumet Ranch Homeowner's Association welcomes you to our public web page. Situated just south of historic downtown O'Fallon, Missouri, Calumet Ranch is a family-focused community consisting of over 300 single-family homes. This website has been established for the convenience of the property owners and their guests. Within, you will find many useful links as well as important updates. Thank you for visiting our community.

2024 Updates

2024 Budget


Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 10 am at the Deer Run Library, 1300 Main Street, O'Fallon


The Directors of the Calumet Ranch Homeowners Association generally meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM during the school year.  The meetings are open to the Calumet Ranch community. Call a Director for the current location for upcoming meetings.

Confirmation of upcoming meeting locations and times can be directed to the general board email at board@calumetranch.org.


Board of Directors


Director, Mary Gamber

(636) 219-8007

Director, Adam Hirtz

(314) 374-3564

Director, Andrew Thomas

(314) 504-5788

Committee Chairs

Common Ground Preservation, Eva Alford

(314) 570-7649

Webmaster, Vacant

Contact the board to volunteer!

Calumet Ranch Homeowner's Association

5323 State Highway N #94

  Cottleville, MO 63338


Accounting Service

City & Village Tax Office

3 Hollenberg Court

Bridgeton, MO 63044

Office: (314) 739-4800

Fax: (314) 739-3098



Every new homeowner in Calumet Ranch should receive a copy of the indentures for the neighborhood.  Each neighbor agrees to uphold the indentures when closing on a home in the subdivision.  Consistent enforcement of indenture concerns helps retain property values and helps uphold the commitment that each homeowner has made.

The board of Calumet Ranch will enforce indentures according to the following schedule as we are made aware of issues.

1st Violation, warning

2nd Violation, final warning

(same offense within 12 months)

3rd Violation, $100

(same offense within 12 months or failure to comply with 2nd warning)

Additional Violations, up to $300

(same offense within 12 months)

Continuing Violation After 48 Hours notice to Remedy

(daily fines of $10 until cured)

Last Updated on 7/23/22 by CRHA Board of Directors