
I am an Associate Professor of Economics and Department Chair at the Economics Department of Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Santiago, Chile). Currently, I am an Associate Editor of Revista de Análisis Económico---Economic Analysis Review. I have a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles. My fields of interest are Industrial Organization, Innovation & Intellectual Property Rights,  and Microeconomics Theory.


[1] Waiting to Imitate: On the Dynamic Pricing of Knowledge (With Emeric Henry). Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 119, No. 5, October 2011, Pages 959-981. 

[2] Knowledge Disclosure as Intellectual Property Rights Protection. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. Volume 80, Issue 3, December 2011, Pages 418-434.  

[3] Disruption Costs, Learning by Doing, and Technology Adoption (with C. J. Pérez). International Journal of Industrial Organization. Volume 41, July 2015, Pages 64-75.

[4] Cartels as Small World Networks: Evidence from Graphite Electrode Cartel (with F. Roldán). Review of Network Economics. Volume 16, Issue 1, March 2018, Pages 27-61.

[5] Trademark Squatters: Theory and Evidence from Chile. 2018 (with C. Fink and C. Helmers) International Journal of Industrial Organization. Volume 59, July 2018, Pages 340-371.

[6] Multidimensional innovation responses and foreign competition (with Ramiro de Elejalde and Flavia Roldán). Industrial and Corporate Change. June 2022. 

Work in Progress

[1] Shepherding Cynics  (with David Rahman)

[2] Optimal Contests with Financial Constraints.

[3] Managing Strategic Buyers: Should Resale be banned? (with Juan Beccuti and Joaquin Coleff)

[4] Conflicts and Verifiable Information (with Eric Gonzalez)