Caio Machado

I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 

My main fields of interest are macroeconomics and finance.

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CV: [pdf]

Working papers 


Coordinating in Financial Crises

R&R at the Review of Economic Dynamics

[article, online appendix, replication files]

Uneven Recessions and Optimal Firm Subsidies

R&R at the Journal of Public Economics


Managing Overreaction During a Run


Potential Coordination Games with Timing Frictions

with Bernardo Guimaraes and Nicolas Souza


Trading for Bailouts

with Toni Ahnert and Ana Elisa Pereira

[article, CEPR WP

Competing for Stock Market Feedback

with Ana Elisa Pereira


Guarantees, Risk Taking and Market Freezes 

with Ana Elisa Pereira




Optimal Capital Structure with Stock Market Feedback

with Ana Elisa Pereira

Review of Finance, 2023

[article, online appendix]

Covid-19 Contagion, Economic Activity and Business Reopening Protocols

with Alexandre Janiak and Javier Turen

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021

[article, code]

Dynamic Coordination with Timing Frictions: Theory and Applications

with Bernardo Guimaraes and Ana Elisa Pereira

Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2020


Dynamic Coordination and the Optimal Stimulus Policies

with Bernardo Guimaraes

Economic Journal, 2018

[article, online appendix]

A Model of the Confidence Channel of Fiscal Policy

with Bernardo Guimaraes and Marcel Ribeiro

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2016
