Seungryul Baek ( 백승렬 )

Associate Professor
UNIST Vision and Learning (UVL) Lab
Artificial Intelligent Graduate School (AIGS) & Department of Computer Science and Engineering
College of Information and Biotechnology
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)

Email: (official), (personal)
Links: [Lab Homepage:],  [YouTube channel], [Google scholar]
50 UNIST-gil, Ulju, Ulsan, South Korea, 44919

Brief Bio: I am an associate professor, jointly affiliated to the Artificial Intelligence Graduate School (AIGS) and Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at UNIST where I joined in April 2020. I obtained BS (2009) and MS (2011) degrees from Dept. of Electrical Engineering at KAIST and Ph.D. degree (2020) from Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London. During my Ph.D., I have interned at INRIA Sophia Antipolis (2019.6-2019.8.). Before joining Ph.D., I was an employee at DMC Research Center of Samsung Electronics for four years (2011.2.-2015.2.).

Research Interests


Work Experiences


Honors and Awards

Academic Activities

Invited Talks & Lectures

