Bruzo's Transcoding Environment

Sorry I'm lazy, so the page looks pretty much default.

I'm just hosting some ABC-files transcoded with BruTE and also an alpha version of the program. There is a windows release only at the moment (with a basic GUI), but as soon as I reach the beta state the full sources will be here as well. So the program will run on any platform that has python and the necessary libraries.

The general philosophy is that the midi file can be used unchanged - all the modifications are written in the arrangement file.

For the midi editing ppl there is a way to switch off all automatic adjustments as well.

So what can BruTE do so far (from my point of view I'm getting close to have all necessary features in the conversion engine)

- Convert midi format 1 files to multipart abc for playing in lotro. Format 0 (one track midi files) have to be converted to fomat 1 first ( there is free software to do that )

- Match any speed and speedchanges in the midi (no manual quantization of speed changes or anything needed - the resulting abc always uses the highest possible time precision)

- Full control of volume dynamics and amplification (amplification per track and global, as well as global volume compression/stretching)

- Custom drum conversion map, also the option to import Maestro drum maps

- Some basic editing features like splitting chords to seperate tracks to make it easier to cope with long and large arrangements

- Arbitrary mapping of any number of midi tracks to any number of tracks in the abc-file with individual pitch and volume

- Adjustable polyphony per abc track

Sometimes too many midi tracks are mixed down into one abc track, so the track is full of overlapping tones .. with flute that doesn't sound so nice. With the reduced polyphony older tones are stopped to make place for the new ones, plus for tones that are played simultaniously you can select if you want delete the higher or lower notes. It's also nice if you want to make more realistic music within LOTRO. Some instruments can only play one note at a time.

- Minimal note duration

Some instruments don't play short notes well, so there is a parameter to specify a minimal note duration per track.

- Pibgorn

Yes, you can use the Pibgorn as an instrument here .. the note range is selected to exclude all those parts of the note spectrum that are not good. (D, to ^A)

- For the purists: all the automatic adjustments can be switched off to use BruTE as a direct midi to abc translator (no backfolding into playable region or pitchguessing)

- Rough time adjustment for bagpipe tones that are too much delayed

What BruTE is not so good at:

- Very basic graphical user interface