
Mission: To decrease the use of disposable containers when eating at lunch wagons or other restaurants that use disposables.

We are asking people to "BRING YOUR OWN container." DON'T contribute to plastic and paper waste by using disposable lunch plates.

This saves money, conserves resources, and is good for the society as well as the environment.

Click here to enjoy a song video by Barefoot Bob and friends!



Take care of the ‘āina and win $100.

Protect our oceans by saying ‘No’ to Styrofoam.

When was the last time you got a Styrofoam plate lunch? Seem harmless? Well, there are consequences of using Styrofoam. Here are a few examples:

1. About 20 million tons of plastic ends up in our oceans every year. 20 million TONS! That’s a lot!

2. Enormous garbage patches have formed in the world’s oceans, recently. The one NE of Hawai‘i is more than twice the size of Texas! 70% of our trash in the ocean sinks… and 30% floats near the surface mostly in small pieces that we can't even see.

3. Turtles mistake plastic for seaweed and suffocate trying to eat it.

4. Monk seals are strangled by plastic that gets wrapped around their necks.

5. Albatross mistake floating plastic for fish. They swallow it and die of starvation, unable to digest the plastic.

6. Even plankton eat tiny pieces of plastic. Then the plastic reaches the top of the food chain as small animals eat the plankton and larger animals eat the small animals.

7. And people – when we eat fish or other animals that have ingested plastic, the plastic stays inside our bodies because we simply CANNOT digest it.

We don’t have to let plastic take over our earth and our bodies. There is a simple solution. A convenient way to help is to take the Eco Challenge. Say no to Styrofoam and start a new habit.

Don’t waste! Bring our own plates, bowls or Tupperware, the ocean will be less of a dumping ground. Make a habit to leave a plate and fork in your car… or even better, in a bag you take biking or walking. Try it out for one week (or more). Don’t use disposable lunch plates and write about your experience.

To enter the contest, avoid using disposables by

bringing your own container

and write an essay (or diary) 1-3 pages in length.

Submit essays to 12mountains@gmail.com by

August 30, 2010. The winning essayist will receive a $100 reward for his/her efforts to make a cleaner Hawai‘i. To get a free poster, email 12mountains@gmail.com. Put it up in a shop or in your own home to promote waste reduction!


Essays may also contain photo or painting attachments.

"Let us be mindful of the consequences of our


Let all we do be worth it."

--Kira Davis

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NEXT FUNDRAISERS: May 15, May 16, May 21, May 22