Brian Blodgett
Meadowland Ward Choir
You can use the following links to help practice your part. Here are a few tips to make it easier.
Click the "Flat" logo on the far left to open it up into a new browser tab.
Click the square box icon on the far right side to make it full screen
Select the microphone icon to choose which parts you want to see or hear
You can mix and match any part
Click on the down arrow thing next to the play button to adjust the speed faster or slower.
Click on the metronome icon to have the metronome play or not.
Click on the speaker icon to change the volume of any part
If there is something you can't figure out or something you want me to add, please send me an email
Candlelight Carol
Musescore Practice Parts: This version has all parts written out you can sing with. Works similarly to Flat. You can choose how fast or how loud each part is. You need to click on the 'mixer' icon, then choose 'synthesizer' to change the volume of the parts. Also, the 'alto' part is really the tenor part and the second soprano is the alto part.
mp3 practice files for each part Provided by St Mary's Singers
Here's a pdf verion of silent night if you don't have your music.
Dutch Oven Stuff