Brian Blodgett

Meadowland Ward Choir 

You can use the following links to help practice your part.  Here are a few tips to make it easier.

Easter 2024 - March 31, 2024

Risen for Me  (SA pdf version)

Risen for me  (SA audio sing along)

Risen for me (accompaniment track)

 Candlelight Carol

Musescore Practice Parts: This version has all parts written out you can sing with.  Works similarly to Flat. You can choose how fast or how loud each part is. You need to click on the 'mixer' icon, then choose 'synthesizer' to change the volume of the parts. Also, the 'alto' part is really the tenor part and the second soprano is the alto part. 

mp3 practice files for each part Provided by St Mary's Singers

Here's a pdf verion of silent night if you don't have your music.

Here's a pdf verion of The First Noel if you don't have your music.

Dutch Oven Stuff


