Boyne Grows 

Seed Library

The Boyne Grows Seed Lending Library is
NEW to the Boyne Regional Library!  

Seed spilling out of a mason jar announcing the seed library is now open with many available seeds including flowers, vegetables and herbs

Kind of like a book library, but different!!
The Boyne Grows Seed Library allows members to “check out” or "borrow" seeds from the seed library. Members then plant the seeds, grow the plants, and let some of those plants go to seed.  Seeds are then collected, dried, cleaned, labelled and returned to the library for use by members the next year.

Why a seed library?
The Boyne Grows Seed Library is a free seed project committed to increasing the capacity of our community to have equitable access to native and heritage seeds, and to provide education and programming that fosters community resilience, self-reliance and a culture of sharing.  It also works to increase community members' engagement with our food system and overall self-sufficiency. Through this project, we aim to grow a robust local food system with increased food production and food security across Carman and the surrounding areas. 


A membership to the Boyne Grows Seed Library is free!  Sign up on your next visit to the library.

Our Seed Library is located within the Boyne Regional Library. Members can select the packets of seeds they would like and "check out" seeds using a self-checkout form for recording the seeds they are borrowing.  If returning or donating, members will record the seeds they have brought on the membership form and give seeds to our staff.

Grow out your crop, harvest some for personal use and save the rest for seeds! For the Seed Library to be a sustainable community program, seed library members save and return clean and viable seeds to maintain the collection of seed in the library. Please see the seed-saving resources in the dropdown "How to Save Seeds".

Collect, dry and clean seeds from your healthiest and most productive plants and return some to the Seed Library to re-stock the collection and share with others. If you are unable to save seeds, we still welcome donations of OP (open-pollinated) seeds that less than 1 year old seeds. No F1 or F2 seeds (1st and 2nd generation hybrids) please!  You can download a fillable seed envelope label here.

With your help, we will build a network of gardeners from beginners to experienced who share a love growing.  By volunteering, you will help us to sustain this food initiative.  From organizing and packaging, to labelling and stocking, we are looking for your help!  Contact us today.


Seed Library Tools

The Boyne Regional Library has many seed starting tools you can borrow to get your seeds started.  Check them out here.

Seeds being planted in dirt, link to the adopt a seed program page
A beautiful handcrafted wood cart with many drawers for seed envelope organization.

Thank you to the Carman Area Foundation for their generous contribution to the Boyne Grows Seed Library by funding this custom built seed library cart.

Close up of open wooden drawer filled with envelopes of donated seeds

Many thanks to these businesses for their support of our Seed Library!

West Coast Seeds logo, link to West Coast Seeds website
Heirloom seeds Canada logo, link to their website
The Seed Company logo, link to their website