Who can Prophesy? 誰來傳講神的話?

4/10/11 Sermon by Minister Michael Johnson; Translation by Chung-wei Lee

1 Corinthians (哥林多前書) 14:1-12

Translation note: 方言 = 音語; 預言 = 先知的話;懺語

Each individual here is made up of many components. We have the physical self, which is our body. We have our soul, which is a combination of our mind, emotions, ability to reason, etc. We have our spiritual self, which we cannot see. It is our spiritual self that is regenerated by our relationship with Jesus Christ. All parts of our being, our body, our soul and our spirit, must be strengthened in order to develop and grow. To strengthen our bodies, we exercise and eat healthy. To strengthen our mind, we challenge it, whether it’s in school or through the books we read or the conversations we have. To strengthen our spiritual self, we spend time in the Lord’s presence, we read His Word and we share with each other what He is doing in our lives.


In this passage Paul addresses two other ways our spiritual self is strengthened: prophecy and speaking in tongues. Paul is educating the Corinthian church on the appropriate usage of these spiritual gifts. He is eager for the use of spiritual gifts in the church and wants to see them used properly. Paul’s main purpose in this passage focuses on the use of the gift of prophecy, versus speaking in tongues, among the Body of Believers.


You see, the Corinthian church was focused on speaking in tongues in the worship service. They seemed to think the use of tongues somehow meant they were closer to God than congregations that did not use tongues when gathered together. In fact they were asking that Paul come to visit them speaking in tongues. Paul, however, corrects them in this passage on the proper use of tongues. Paul reminds them tongues are meant for building up the individual because it is the Holy Spirit communicating a message between the individual and God. Doing so builds up that person’s spiritual self. But if tongues are spoken in the church, then it must be accompanied with an interpretation. Spiritual gifts are to be used to build up the church. If someone speaks in tongues before the whole church but no one else can understand what is being said, then the church is not edified by it, thus defeating the point.


In 1 Corinthians 14:6-10, Paul says the use of tongues without interpretation is like a person playing music with no idea how to string notes together. It just sounds like a complete noisy mess. Imagine if someone came to church and wanted to play the piano during the service. Only instead of stringing together notes to make a song they simply pushed as many piano keys as they could with no special order. What would it sound like? All you who are trained in music here at the church are probably cringing right now! You know what it would sound like, a terrible, confusing mess. The same goes for those who speak in tongues without interpretation. The intention may seem right to the person, their heart may be in the right place, but the congregation would be confused.


Prophecy, on the other hand, is a word from the Lord that can be understood and shared in our everyday language. Paul distinguishes the two gifts in 1 Corinthians 14:23-25: “So if the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and unbelievers or uninformed people enter, will they not say that you have lost your minds? But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or uninformed person enters, he will be convicted by all, he will be called to account by all. The secrets of his heart are disclosed, and in this way he will fall down with his face to the ground and worship God, declaring, ‘God is really among you.’”


Prophecy is a message from the Lord. Prophecies have several purposes. We see in this passage I just read that prophesy can disclose the secrets of our heart. It may be a word that uncovers hidden sin, in an effort to draw us to repentance and closer to God. Let’s turn to 1 Corinthians 14:3. Paul writes, “But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouragement, and consolation.” The Lord wants us strong as a Body of believers. Therefore, he may give someone or even a group of people a message that helps build up the body. Maybe there is quarrelling in the church and the Lord uses prophesy to put an end to it in order for unity to be restored. Maybe there is an area of the church that is weak and prophesy is used to highlight it in order that it may be built up into a fruitful ministry.

先知的話是對上帝來的信息。預言有好幾個目的;在咱剛剛讀過的聖經節裡看見先知的話可以使心內的秘密顯明出來。有時候先知的話堂顯明咱的罪,使咱可以對上帝來悔改、再一次來親近上帝。保羅在哥林多前書14章第3節說:”唸” 上帝希望咱成做一個隔卡勇健的基督徒,所以,上帝有時ㄟ對一個人、抑是一群人講話、來起造因。有時教會裡面有紛爭,為了讓教會合一的目的,上帝會用預言來教使咱。有時教會軟弱、有的事工不夠額,上帝用預言來提醒咱堂好好認真服事。

Likewise, prophecy can also bring encouragement. Maybe the church has gone through a difficult time that decreased its morale. A prophetic word would pinpoint the exact cause and start the process of restoration. This type of encouragement can also occur in our lives as individuals. If someone has an encouraging word for you, and it’s very specific, but they do not what you are going through, but it causes your faith to grow and your hope to soar, then you may have just experienced a prophetic word.


Consolation is sometimes in order and a prophetic word can be offered to aid. As humans we are limited. We do not always have the right words to say to someone who is hurting. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit knows what the person needs to hear. He can speak directly to their heart in a way that we as humans are not able to do on our own. Even in a person’s darkest hour the Lord can shine light. In any case, a message of prophecy is a distinct message, from the Lord, placed in the mind and on the heart of someone to share with others. It’s important to note that a word from the Lord would never contradict Scripture.


Prophets are sometimes referred to as seers, as they can see with their spiritual eyes what they cannot see with their physical eyes or hear with their physical ears. Not everyone who gives a prophecy is a prophet. God can give anyone a word at any time. If you want the Lord to use you in this way, pray for it. One thing to keep in mind is, the one who prophesies is also one who soaks in Scripture and spends a lot of time in prayer. Ask the Lord for a love of Scripture and to help you carve out a lot of time in prayer. As you’ll see in a minute, there is more to just receiving a word. You have to be able to discern if it’s God’s voice, if it’s God’s timing and what He wants you to do with it.


Even though someone might feel they have a message from God, they may worry about what they are going to say. Will it be the right thing at the right time? Will I mix up my words? What if they take it the wrong way? These are not uncommon concerns. Even the Old Testament prophets worried about these questions. Take Jeremiah for instance. In Jeremiah 1:3-10 we read,

“The LORD said to me, “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb I chose you. Before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.” I answered, “Oh, Lord GOD, I really do not know how to speak well enough for that, for I am too young.” The LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ But go to whomever I send you and say whatever I tell you. Do not be afraid of those to whom I send you, for I will be with you to protect you,” says the LORD. Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I will most assuredly give you the words you are to speak for me. Know for certain that I hereby give you the authority to announce to nations and kingdoms that they will be uprooted and torn down, destroyed and demolished, rebuilt and firmly planted.”

We can see that Jeremiah thought he did not have the right qualifications to be a prophet. But the Lord assures Jeremiah He will take care of him. In fact the Lord promises He will protect Jeremiah and give him the words to say. The Lord gives Jeremiah the authority to announce the message He has given Jeremiah. Jeremiah would be preaching to the Israelites who are in exile they will be restored as a nation. Jeremiah could speak this because he was listening and obeying the Lord who is his protector and voice.



So where does this leave us today? When thinking of the gift of prophecy I believe it is important to remember that the Lord still speaks today to the church. If He is still speaking to the church then why not through prophesy? We shouldn’t think of prophecy as a mystical realm of only dream interpretation and telling the future. Certainly the Lord used prophets to do both, but only for the sake of turning people to Him. Prophecy can be as simple as hearing a word from the Lord and speaking it to a friend. In this process both the person receiving the word and the friend are built up in the Lord.


Do not confuse prophesying with what the world has to offer. Fortune telling is the best thing the devil could come up with to imitate God’s gift of prophecy. You see, God creates; the devil imitates. You will find, and are inviting, demonic activity when you participate in fortune telling, palm reading, tarot cards, or ouija boards. In these practices, someone looks into a crystal ball or hears words from some spirit that reveals the future. What you don’t realize is that you are inviting that person to speak those very things into your life. It is dangerous, it is unclean and it is to be avoided. While prophecy can have a future oriented purpose at times, is not some kind of mystical, psychic or demonic force. To prophesy is to point to Christ, His specific work in our hearts, His care and concern for us, and His desire that we know Him not just by the words we read in Scripture but also by having a real, living, growing relationship. It is exciting to know that God still speaks to us today.


Prophecy does not need to be as grand a message as Jeremiah’s, which deals with the tearing down and building of world governments. Prophecy can happen right here and right now, among us. The Lord could lay on someone’s heart a message He wants conveyed during this service. I am not saying the Lord will lead someone to interrupt a song or the sermon to relay that message. But, there are things to consider if you feel the Lord has given a word for the body. First, they must discern if it is a message from the Lord, or if it’s merely something they want to say or if they are just seeking attention. Just because something pops in your mind does not mean it is a message from the Lord. If we have a word we think we need to share but it does not align with Scripture, if it does not reflect the Lord’s nature and character, then we need to reconsider the message. However, if the message is from the Lord, it will be warmly received by those who hear it. Second, the person needs to ask if this is the right time to speak the message. Maybe the message needs to be shared, but in a more private or appropriate context. Maybe the Lord is revealing something to you in order for you to spend time praying about it. I encourage you that if you feel like the Lord is laying a word on your heart for this body that you first approach Pastor Li or one of the elders for them to discern if (a) that word is from the Lord and (b) that this is the right time and place to share it. So, when we pray for the Lord to give us a word, we should pray just as much for discernment and for the discernment of our leaders.


Something to consider next time you have a stirring in your heart is that the Lord may be speaking in a still small whisper. See 1 Kings 19:11-12, “The LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain before the LORD. Look, the LORD is ready to pass by.” A very powerful wind went before the LORD, digging into the mountain and causing landslides, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the windstorm there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake, there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. After the fire, there was a soft whisper.”


The Lord does not need to use an earth shattering revelation to speak to and through us. Sometimes, He uses a soft, gentle whisper. As you spend time with the Lord, reading Scripture, meditating on it, and praying, ask Him to speak to you. Ask Him to help you understand His mysteries. Our God is a great, powerful and mysterious God. His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts higher than our thoughts. You may not understand speaking in tongues or prophesying or what role it has in your life, so ask Him. He says that we are to seek His gifts. But more than His gifts, we are to seek His face. We are to know Him and make Him known to others. If a spiritual gift is ever held in higher esteem than knowing God, then we have missed the mark. May He continue to reveal Himself to us, may He give us more understanding of His ways, and may our love for Him, and each other, grow stronger every day.
