Meat Stuffing


1-2 T. cooking oil

1 T. minced garlic

2 chopped onions (I used yellow onions)

1 lb. chopped bacon

1 lb. ground pork

1 lb. ground beef

1/2 C. sliced green olives

1/2 C. sliced black Greek olives

Don't worry too much about the cut of the onions and bacon, everything will get mixed together in the food processor.

Heat a small amount of cooking oil in a large skillet. Add the garlic and onions. Cook on medium heat until they begin to get soft. Add the bacon, ground pork, and ground beef, cook on medium heat. When the meat is no longer pink, put 1-2 cups of the mixture at a time into your food processor or blender and process until chopped fine and uniform. Continue cooking the fine meat mixture until it starts to brown. Add the olives and salt and pepper to taste.

When I made this, I never had to pour off any grease from the meat. The little grease that was there cooked off as the dish progressed.

The original mixture that I took this idea from had no onions, no beef, and no Greek olives. It had celery and ham. We use this meat with cheese to stuff pita bread or make burritos. We have also tried it as a stuffing for pasilla peppers and green chilies (I wonder how it would be in a chile relleno?). I really like the flavor but feel that it needs some spice to it. My daughter had it in a burrito today with cottage cheese and buffalo wing sauce. Tasty just straight or with good bread.