New Arrivals

Arizona Territorial Geologist Minerals Tuscon 1909

3. Blake, William P. Minerals of Arizona. Their Occurrence and Association. Tucson: 1909. 64 pages in good condition. $125.00.

Joseph Smith 1903 Reorganized Church And Proposed Constitutional Amendment Polygamy

4. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints and Proposed Constitutional Amendments Prohibiting Polygamy. Independence, Missouri: April 11, 1903. Signed in type by Joseph Smith and others. Double sided page. Tear and chipping. Ex-library. Fragile. $125.00.

Fredericktown MD Imprint 1818 With Dr. Thompson Bookplate

7. Gaston, Hugh. A Scripture Account of the Faith Practice of Christians...Fredericktown, MD. Published by George Kolb Patrick Street: 1818. 508 pages with subscribers list. Cover worn, staining and foxing. With a bookplate of Anthony Thompson, M.D. $75.00.

Map Of Yamad Ise. Japan Gonikai Hotel 1900 Eighteen Provinces' Bird's Eye View

8. Eighteen Provinces' bird's eye views from a Japanese Inn on Mt. Asama, Isle Province. Issued by the Gonikai Hote. Circa 1900. Measures 15 x 22. Folded. Light browning on folds and margins. $750.00.

England Report On Law Protecting Young Girls 1881

9. Report From The Select Committee Of The House Of Lords On The Law Relating To The Protection of Young Girls Together With The Proceeding Of The Committee. Minutes Of Evidence And Appendix. Session 1881. Ordered to be Printed 26th July 1881. 159 pages. Quarter leather over cloth. Cloth has staining. $250.00.

Patent Medicine Ad Base Ball Ingalls Record Book 1900

13. The Ingalls Record Book For 1890. Issued by the Ingalls Medical Company Lowell, Mass. 32 pages. Small piece off lower right corner of cover and a few small tears. A combination patent medicine and record of games and sports. Vignette of baseball on cover. Includes information on National League, American Association, Worlds Championships and College Championships. $150.00.

Acquitted Of Murder-Found Guilty Of Murder-Murdered In Prison -Charles M. Jefferds

15. Wilbour, Charles E. Trial of Charles M. Jefferds For Murder At New York, December, 1861. New York: Ross & Tousey Publishers, No. 121 Nassau Street, 1862. 234 pages. Some fading on covers. McDade 513. Jefferds was acquitted of murdering his stepfather, but then tried for the murder of John Mathews who tried to catch Jefferds after the first murder-he was found guilty and while serving his sentence in Sing Sing he was murdered. $100.00.

Sometimes Its All About The Binding

17. Griswold, Rufus W. The Poetry of the Affections. New York: Leavitt& Company, 1851. 288 pages some foxing and some fading on spine. A nice elaborate gold embossed binding. $75.00.

Organizing A Law Faculty University City Of New York 1835

18. Butler, Benjamin. Plan for the Organization Of A Law Faculty And For A System Of Instruction In Legal Science In The University Of The City Of New York. New York: Printed for the University Press, 1835. 40 pages some foxing. Removed from a bound volume and lacking paper wraps. $100.00.


Civil War Patriotic Songs Sailors Soldiers Gold Embossed Covers

A11. Hymns, Religious and Patriotic For The Soldier and Sailor. Published by the American Tract Society, 25 Cornhill, Boston 1863. Front endpaper loose, spine beginning to separate. Gold embossed cover. $125.00.

Girls Manuscript Business Math Exercise Book With Teachers Name NY 1842

A13. Manuscript Business Mathematics Workbook owned by Eliza Birdsall of Marlborough NY. The book is dated Nov. 20, 1842, when Eliza was seventeen. Her instructor is listed as Joseph B. Parish. 42 pages in blue ink with calligraphic headings. $250.00.

Colorful Litho Label Montana Shirting For Cloth Yardage Forbes Co. 1880's

A15. Montana Shirting Colors Warranted Fast Forbes Co. Boston. Circa 1880's. Measures 7 x 8 1/4. In good condition. Ex N.C. Baker Collection. $75.00.

Manuscript Records Misses Allen School For Girls- West Newton MA 1922-23

A19. Record Book kept by Lucy Ellis Allen, 1922-23. 80 plus pages listing teachers, students, grades, attendance. In good condition. Allen, from an important family of educators, founded the school in 1904 with her sister Fanny. Allen served as principle from 1904-1940. $100.00.