
Bob Dylan - Muleskinner ( Video )


Drug dealing Dylan dead

Creating myths and legends, a normal role for Hollywood

Bob Dylan dead or alive ??? A myth

La Danse Macabre

At Wikipedia in 10 languages with music by Saint Saëns

A Special info from DEA-NSA leaks and NSA leaks,

from qualified press articles and drug debate

entries on the web, about "mule skinners" ( slang ),

"drugs", "drug lords", "drug runners" ( jargon ),

"clean" business men, "narco-banks" ( narco slang ) ...

A Special investigation started July 2012.

First published 2016, updated 2017-2018,

currently upgraded. By special teams

of professional journalists, reporters,

photo and video pros, advising experts

about Deepfake videos, Deepfake, Deepfakes ...

In English, French, עברית, Spanish, Italian,

German, Dutch, Swedish ...

Special Investigations

Weinstein, Epstein, Maxwell,

at Prince Andrew's daughter's party,

( Photo The Sun / News Licensing / MEGA, Dec 9 2919 )

Jeffrey Epstein "Friends" "Friends"

Background of Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell

Jeffrey Epstein's Money

Jean Luc Brunel

Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell

Sarah Kellen ... ... ...

( A similar activity, but much more modest,

existed in the beginning of the 1990s in the

LA region, around a female celeb profile,

also with the Mossad in the background,

known as "The Hollywood Madam" Heidi Fleiss,

with lots of prostitution, drugs, guns, pimps,

toms, johns, punters ... ... ... )

+ 1000s of religious, medical, arts, literature,

showbiz, politics, sociolites ... celebs ...

+ 10 000s of divers others, inclusively

torturers, murderers, serial killers ...

Bingo king Wynn has lost

Eric Schneiderman too ...

Andy Rubin #metoo Walkout at Google

Jean Claude Arnault ( see below ... )

Jun 29, 2020


Un obscur Israélien tente de piéger les victimes françaises d’Epstein

INFO PANAMZA. Un Israélien -qui se présente comme un "féministe"- collecte actuellement les identités des plaignantes françaises des réseaux Epstein et essaye de remettre en cause leurs accusations. Révélations.


Vendredi 3 Juillet 2020


En septembre 2019, Panamza soulignait cette étrange anomalie : les avocats chargés de défendre les victimes américaines d'Epstein, un agent du renseignement israélien, sont liés à BlackCube, une officine (basée à New York, Londres et…Paris) de barbouzes issus du Mossad.




Même chose pour Yaël Mellul, ex-avocate reconvertie dans le féminisme associatif : elle qui lança un appel aux victimes françaises d'Epstein est elle-même une figure sioniste radicale.


Aujourd'hui, un nouveau personnage de la galaxie sioniste apparaît dans l'affaire Epstein (une affaire toujours occultée/édulcorée en France -comme l'illustre l'omerta médiatique sur les dernières et graves accusations contre l'ex-Premier ministre israélien Ehud Barak).





À l'instar de Mellul, cet individu (à gauche de l'image ci-dessus, avec le grand rabbin de Russie) tente, lui aussi, d'approcher actuellement les victimes du clan Epstein, notamment celles ayant été abusées par le Français Jean-Luc Brunel (un proche du lobby juif hexagonal).


Panamza a retracé son parcours (particulièrement opaque) de prétendu "entrepreneur à succès" qui se serait engagé "dans le féminisme" après avoir brièvement travaillé pour un certain Yves Saint-Laurent (ex-compagnon de l'esclavagiste sexuel Pierre Bergé et protecteur du pédocriminel Gabriel Matzneff) .



Des accusations de fraude à son encontre ont été dénichées -datant de 2016.

Cerise sur le gâteau : l'une des ses promotrices en France n'est autre que Sandra Muller, initiatrice du fameux hashtag "balancetonporc", condamnée pour diffamation envers son ex-employeur et amie intime du Franco-Israélien Jean-Claude Elfassi.


Ce pseudo-féministe israélien porté à la rescousse des victimes français du clan Epstein sert-il également, comme le pédocriminel américain retrouvé "suicidé", le Mossad ?



Il s'agit de…

L’intégralité de cet article est réservée aux abonnés


Click on photos

Bob Dylan or a look-alike ( no dimples, wave brows, hair, head shape,

fatter no hook-nose ... ), here at the White House, and at a funeral

between a narcobeaner and a peddler thug 2012.

Photos at Google

Fake song : Sound / Audio engineers can do anything

anywhere, in a recording studio, on a mixing console,

combining music, old pieces of voice, audio effects ...,

with lip sync, playback, dubbing, ghost singing, voiceover ...

Deepfake videos, Deepfake, Deepfakes ...

Facial recognition, Facial recognition ...

Face rec in SF, CA ...


Holographic resurrection ... ( videos )

Bob Dylans Nobelpris betalt till en dubbelgångare,

el. någon annan i Stockholm.


Bob Dylan' s Nobel Prize payed to a look-alike,

or somebody else in Stockholm.

Identity theft.

Le Prix Nobel de Bob Dylan payé à un sosie,

ou à quelqu' un d'autre à Stockholm.

Vol d'identité.

Bob Dylan did drugs intensively

( White, Mexican brown ... )

( in Oaxaca, Mexico, June 2012 )

Bob Dylan met "El Rey Midas" and "El Chapo"

in Oaxaca, Mexico, May-June 2012.

His 2 accompanying executives

( in fact 2 gang bosses of the

Sinaloa cartel in California, USA )

bought 700 kg of meth + 1300 kg of pure white

cocaine and top quality golden jesus heroin,

of which Bob Dylan nearly died of an overdose,

but recovered in the beginning of July.

When well enough again, they flew via

Culiacan airport, Sinaloa, Mexico,

in their hired Gulfstream to Germany

on the 6th-7th of July, with a one night

stopover in Azores for fuel refill.

Sources and tips : EMCDDA, DEA-NSA leaks, NROL US 245.

( DEA interrogation of

Juan Manuel Álvarez Inzunza in 2016,

and possibly of El Chapo 2016 )

Bob Dylan - Muleskinner ( lyrics )

Bob Dylan - Muleskinner ( song )

"Actually Bob Dylan died years ago in 2012

and was quickly replaced by record execs,

with this phoney look-alike, self promoting

point of sale goof who we have today ..."


Bob Dylan is dead years ago


" Tributes have poured in for American poetic

songwriter and singer Bob Dylan after he was

killed, along with five others, two pilots, one

female cabin assistant, and two corporate

executives, when a private jet crashed,

a Gulfstream G550 they were traveling in,

in France, after they attended Bob Dylan’s

daughter Anna Lea Dylan, 45, birthday party

in Germany.

The jet was flying without flight plan. All six

on board died in the accident, believed to

have been originally caused by turbulent

weather in Paris, France, Tuesday July 10 2012.

As the pilots attempted to land in Paris,

the aircraft was redirected to Nice, France, from

where it flew to Milan, Italy, Athens, Greece,

Istanbul, Turkey, back to Nice, France,

and Le Castellet, France ( map ) on July 13,

where it careered into a shipping container

crane and finally into trees, killing everyone

on board. The cabin was cleaved from the

cockpit at impact, and the bodies of the

passengers were reduced to ashes in an

intense fire ball that did not make any

body identification possible. The only one

firefighter of the airport could do nothing

before the arrival of colleagues.

The French Civil Aviation Authority in a

statement on the accident said that several

flights arriving at the same time in Paris

had turned back because they were unable

to land. Civil aviation authorities have

launched an investigation into the crash."

July 2012

Darknet ( En ) Darknet at Youtube

Darknet ( Fr ) / עברית ( Isr ) Darknet ( De )


Access to Darknet thru TOR Here

"A primary source had mentioned to the AFP

six persons aboard the aircraft." Midi Libre

( control towers in Paris, Nice, and Le Castellet )

"Une première source avait fait état auprès de l'AFP

de six personnes à bord de l'appareil." Midi Libre

( tours de contrôle à Paris, Nice, et Le Castellet )




Final report (FR) - n-ga120713.pdf (07/13/2012)

Final report (EN) - n-ga120713.en.pdf (07/13/2012)

( click here ) Credit unkown

The Gulfstream G-IV N823GA at Le Castellet, France,

on July 13, 2012. 3 or 6 dead ??? 3 control towers,

in Paris, Nice, and Le Castellet, have said

"the crew said 6 persons on board"

Most of the cabin was burnt to ashes,

the cockpit was found in the lake beside

The tail is here on this photo.

rd757 Well-Known Member Jul 14, 2012 #20

"From what I've read on here and at PPR, it sounds like

Universal Jet had a 'history' of activity that made people

uncomfortable. RIP to the crew." ( Pilots and crews forum )

A mechanic speaks out about Universal Jet

Gulfstream, Learjet, Falcon ...,

private aircrafts, often drug runners ...

Bob Dylan often on board a Universal Jet Gulfstream,

as a mule skinner ...

more photos

Continuation on page :