Asst. Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Bismark Singh

Senior Member, IEEE.

Fellow, Institute of Mathematics & its Applications.

Associate Fellow, The OR Society.

Last updated June 2024


+44 23 8059 7549 

📍 B54, School of Mathematical Sciences, 

University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ


Agencies funding my work include:

Since 2022, I am an assistant professor (open-ended) in the Operational Research group at the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton, UK.

I received my habilitation in mathematics (2023), from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany where I worked from 2019-22. Before this, I worked at the Discrete Math & Optimization group at Sandia National Laboratories, US, from 2016-19.

I received both my PhD (2016) and Master's (2016) degrees in operations research from The University of Texas at Austin, US. My PhD work was advised by David Morton (optimization) and Lauren Meyers (biology). Here, I also received a portfolio in scientific computation (2015) from the department of statistics. I received my Bachelor's (2011) degree in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, India.  Here is a short CV.

In 2024-25, I am a visiting professor at TU Dresden, Germany as part of their Distinguished Research Fellowship.

I am the winner of the Mathematics 2023 Young Investigator Award

Highly reliable data-driven decision-making under uncertainty (particularly using stochastic optimization models) - formulations, algorithms, and applications - is my key area of interest. See more, here. My research is funded, among others, by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Horizon 2020 program, and the US Department of Energy's LDRD program (see left).

Latest News: (see more news here)

🎉 Thank you to the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research for funding our work on optimization models employed by petroleum companies in Central Asia. The grant will support my promising student,  Sophie Reshetnikova, who is only in her first year of undergraduate math studies.

🎉 I was invited for a week-long research visit to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim and also gave a seminar.

🎉 I am recruiting another post-doc at Southampton! Mathematically strong candidates apply here.

🎉 Thank you to Schloss Dagstuhl, whom I will visit in September, for an academic visit invitation on highly-reliable decision-making under uncertainty. 

🎉 I'm teaching a 2-day course for PhD students and postdocs on chance constrained programming in the Saxon Doctoral Program - an initiative of four German universities - at TU Dresden. No registration fee but seats are limited! PhD students will get certified credits.  

🎉Congratulations to my student Malena Schmidt for publishing our work on using optimization to reform the recycling policy of Bavaria in Networks

🎉 Thank you to The Alan Turing Institute for funding my work on Trustworthy-AI. Currently, I am supervising a student from Bergamo together with Prof. Francesca Maggioni.

🎉 I am the Guest Editor of a SI on “Stochastic Optimization and Operations Research: Theory and Applications” for the journal Mathematics. Please consider submitting your work.