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Welcome to the homepage of BioMEMS & Bioimpedance Lab. at Gachon university, South Korea.
For better diagnostic or therapeutic approaches, it is required to employ sensitive and effective tools.
Biomicroelectromechanical systems (BioMEMS) are utilized to manipulate DNA, protein, cells, or tissues.
Bioimpedance is measured to non-destructively and real-time characterize living things.
BioMEMS & Bioimpedance Lab. focuses on from basic understanding of biology and medicine to fabrication of in vitro/vivo sensors and electronic devices for clinical applications.
We are looking for M.S., Ph.D., or Postdoctoral candidates self-motivated to study BioMEMS & Bioimpedance for diverse biomedical applications.
Various backgrounds from Biomedical, Electrical, Mechanical or Biological Engineering are welcome to apply.
To apply, please send your CV with publication record and summary of research plan to Prof. Sungbo Cho (sbcho@gachon.ac.kr).