
Google Classroom Codes for Fall 2021

1A xta3x73

3A tpcavig

4A sojo4oh

1B yatjg6c

3B wi5essq

4B q5exbce

REMIND codes for the 21-22 school year

Text the appropriate code for your class to 81010

Parents - you are welcome to sign up too

1A AP Biology @1Awoods20

3A Honors Biology @3Awoods20

4A Honors Biology @4Awoods20

1B AP Biology @1Bwoods20

3B Honors Biology @3Bwoods20

4B Honors Biology @4Bwoods20

Advisory (Caps Class) @woodscc

For Academic Biology, click on this link. https://sites.google.com/site/biologygrowsonuacademic/

For AP Biology, first try the links below. For new info and power points, click this link: https://sites.google.com/site/apbiologywoods2/

Welcome to Laura Woods' home page for Advanced (Honors) Biology, Academic Biology and AP Biology. You will need to click on the link on the sidebar to direct you to the correct course.

My email: lfwoods@wcpss.net

I am in room 264, second floor science wing of Broughton High School.

Textbook websites: millerandlevine.com www.pearsonschool.com

Good website with AP bio virtual labs: www.phschool.com/science/biology_place

General SIte: thebiologycorner.com