Brighton & Hove's Wildlife Forum

Welcome to Brighton & Hove's Wildlife Forum

We believe nature has intrinsic value and is vital for our wellbeing. We want to make our city richer in nature and increase people's engagement with the natural world. We will work with others to protect, enhance, celebrate and increase awareness of the habitats, features and species special to Brighton and Hove. BHWF looks forward to a future where nature and our community live together to our mutual benefit, enabling our city to play its part in addressing the nature and climate crises.

Who we are:

Our members come from a range of local wildlife groups, also known as 'Friends Groups', and local experts in their field, such as volunteers from Butterfly Conservation, naturalists, students and professional environmental consultants. But we all share the same enthusiasm for wildlife and the same concerns for its future. Our commitment is to conserve and enhance Biodiversity across the Brighton and Hove area.

bi·o·di·ver·si·ty /ˌbīōdiˈvərsitē/ Noun. The variety of life in the world

'Biodiversity' is important to all of us. Anything we can do, either through practical conservation work, or by campaigning and giving advice, we will do. 'Biodiversity' is a wonderful concept that could also be described as the 'rich variety of life', with its millions of species of living plants and animals. They need a healthy environment in which to thrive; a landscape that supports them naturally which is maintained for conservation.

Woodland canopy looking south at Wildpark LNR

Why Brighton and Hove is special:

Brighton and Hove has areas of a rare habitat called 'chalk grassland'. It is home to tiny fragile plants, which provide the special food for small insects and their larvae (often called caterpillars). In turn these small animals are food for larger animals. True chalk grassland, properly managed and maintained, is very 'Biodiverse'. It is often described as a 'rainforest in miniature'. We must work hard and be vigilant to preserve and enhance it.

Sulphur cinquefoil and thick-legged flower beetle

We also have a wonderfully diverse shoreline and marine area just offshore, which needs our support to protect it. Additionally, there are woodlands, hedgerows and former arable areas, which are no longer cultivated for crops but managed for wildlife instead. The surrounding countryside extends green fingers of land right into our housing estates and built-up areas. In Brighton and Hove, you are never very far from a diverse wildlife habitat.

Interested in joining us and helping our work?

If you are enthusiastic about an open space near your home, or just interested in learning more about our local wildlife and helping wildlife habitats, find a local group near you by clicking on one of the links below. A good starting point is to take part in one of the many wildlife activities, such as going on an 'early-bird' birdsong walk, clearing scrub and brambles, planting up a wildlife pond or native species hedge, or helping with a butterfly survey.

Wild Carrot Daucus carota at Beacon Hill LNR

You are welcome to meet others with an interest in nature at our regular meetings. We meet every two months online or in the Booth Museum on a Tuesday evening where we talk about wildlife in our local areas, swap recent information about the groups and learn about proposed plans by the council. We have contact with Brighton and Hove City Council and advise them on wildlife issues and encourage 'best practice' for management of our open spaces.

We are free to join, and welcome all with an enthusiasm for local nature.

Please contact: btnhovewildlife'@-symbol' (please alter this, spam-robot prevention)

Please read:

Our Conservation Agenda

Our Library

Our Constitution


With our Local Wildlife Groups

With our Local Wildlife Sites opens map in new window

Meetings Archive

BHWF Twitter Page

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[last updated: 9th November 2021]