Prof. dr. Bart Golsteyn

Professor of Human Capital and Social Economics


Head of Department Macro, International and Labor Economics

School of Business and Economics 

Maastricht University

The Netherlands

Main research interest 

Predictors of educational performance: preferences, personality, and the social environment.


2016-2021: VIDI grant NWO (The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research)

2013-2016: Dutch Inspectorate of Education

2013: Network Social Innovation

2010-2013: Handelsbankens Research Foundation

2009-2010: Volkswagen Stiftung

2008: Marie Curie

Main publications

“The Impact of Peer Personality on Academic Achievement” (with Arjan Non, Ulf Zölitz), Journal of Political Economy 129 (4), 2021, 1052-1099. Featured in Times Higher Education

“Does Stimulating Physical Activity Affect School Performance?” (with Maria Jansen, Dave van Kann, Annelore Verhagen), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 39 (1), 2020, 64-95.

“Risk Attitudes Across the Life Course” (with Thomas Dohmen, Armin Falk, David Huffman, Uwe Sunde), Economic Journal 127 (605), 2017, F95-F116. Featured in Vox

“What Grades and Achievement Tests Measure” (with Lex Borghans, James J. Heckman, John Eric Humphries), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 113 (47), 2016, 13354-13359.

“Time Discounting and Criminal Behavior” (with David Åkerlund, Hans Grönqvist, Lena Lindahl), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 113 (22), 2016, 6160-6165. Featured in The Economist and the Wall Street Journal

“Adolescent Time Preferences Predict Lifetime Outcomes” (with Hans Grönqvist, Lena Lindahl), Economic Journal 124 (580), 2014, F739-F761. Featured in Vox.  

“Gender Differences in Risk Aversion and Ambiguity Aversion” (with Lex Borghans, James J. Heckman, Huub Meijers), Journal of the European Economic Association 7 (2-3), 2009, 649–658.

Selected other publications

"Did migrant children benefit from a delay in the Dutch primary school exit test?" (with Cécile Magnée and Inge de Wolf), De Economist. Available here

"Comment on “The claim that personality is more important than intelligence in predicting important life outcomes has been greatly exaggerated"" (with James J. Heckman, John Eric Humphries), Intelligence 94, 2022, 101678.

“Personality Traits and Academic Performance: Correcting Self-Assessed Traits with Vignettes” (with Johan Coenen, Tom Stolp, Dirk Tempelaar), Public Library of Science (PLoS) One 16 (3), 2021, e0248629.

“Deceased by Default: Consent Systems and Organ Patient Mortality” (with Annelore Verhagen), Public Library of Science (PLoS) One 16 (3), 2021, e0247719.

“Does Sibling Gender Affect Personality Traits?” (with Cécile Magnée), Economics of Education Review 77, 2020, 102016.

“Are Estimates of Intergenerational Mobility Biased by Non-Response? Evidence from the Netherlands” (with Stefa Hirsch), Social Choice and Welfare 52 (1), 2019, 29-63.

“Earnings over the Life Course: General versus Vocational Education” (with Anders Stenberg), Journal of Human Capital 11 (2), 2017, 167-212. 

“Does Birth Spacing Affect Personality?” (with Cécile Magnée), Journal of Economic Psychology 60, 2017, 92-108.

“Challenges in Research on Preferences and Personality Traits: Measurement, Stability, and Inference” (with Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch), Journal of Economic Psychology 60, 2017, 1-6.

“Teacher Literacy and Numeracy Skills: International Evidence from PIAAC and ALL” (with Stan Vermeulen, Inge de Wolf), De Economist 164 (4), 2016, 365-389.

“Does Expert Advice Improve Educational Choice?” (with Lex Borghans, Anders Stenberg), Public Library of Science (PLoS) One 10 (12), 2015.

“School Quality and the Development of Cognitive Skills between Age 4 and 6” (with Lex Borghans, Ulf Zölitz), Public Library of Science (PLoS) One 10 (7), 2015.

“Susceptibility to Default Options Across the Population” (with Lex Borghans), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 117, 2015, 369-379.

“The Socioeconomic Patterning of Perceived Stress and Hair Cortisol in Dutch 10-12 Year Olds” (with Hans Bosma, Daniëlle Groffen, Trudie Schils, Tobias Stalder, Elena Syurina, Lex Borghans, Frans Feron), International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 4 (8), 2015, 195-197.

“Parental Preferences for Primary School Characteristics” (with Lex Borghans, Ulf Zölitz), B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Contributions) 15 (1), 2015, 85-117.

“Gender Gaps in Primary School Achievement – A Decomposition into Endowments and Returns to IQ and Non-Cognitive Factors” (with Trudie Schils), Economics of Education Review 41, 2014, 176-187.

“Default Options and Training Participation” (with Lex Borghans), Empirical Economics 46 (4), 2014, 1417-1428.

“Job Mobility in Europe, Japan and the United States” (with Lex Borghans), British Journal of Industrial Relations 50 (3), 2012, 436-456.

“Identification Problems in Personality Psychology” (with Lex Borghans, James J. Heckman, John Eric Humphries), Personality and Individual Differences 51 (3), 2011, 315-320.

“Skill Transferability, Regret and Mobility” (with Lex Borghans), Applied Economics 39 (13), 2007, 1663-1677.

“Time Discounting and the Body Mass Index, Evidence from the Netherlands” (with Lex Borghans), Economics and Human Biology 4 (1), 2006, 39-61.