Sunday School

Come Join us!

This time of Coffee & Discipleship for Teens and Adults

meets at 9AM in the Fellowship Hall at our Community Center

Here's what we're discussing right now...

January–April 2020

Unit 1: Faithful Witness

In this unit, we will explore the witness of the early church. First, we will consider the story of Peter and John, who, when released from jail, gathered with the church to pray for boldness. Next, we will explore Paul’s approach to evangelism as he addresses the Athenian altar dedicated “to an unknown God.” Third, we will consider God’s inherent wisdom, given to us by the Spirit. Finally, we will consider how our struggles in difficult circumstances never prevent us from exalting Christ, whose power is made perfect in weakness.

Unit 2: Moses and the Exodus

Moses’ birth narrative is legendary, but it isn’t about superhuman strength or dogged determination. Initially, Moses initially refuses the call to deliver the Israelites from Pharaoh’s hands. In this five-lesson unit, we will explore some of the pivotal moments in Moses’ story, including drifting on the Nile with his sister Miriam watching nearby, God’s call to him from the burning bush, the first plague, God passing over the Israelites to strike down the firstborn of Egypt, and the parting of the Red Sea as Israel escaped to freedom. We will also compare Moses’ story with that of the nation of Israel, exploring how their stories come full circle, not through fancy footwork, but by faith.

Unit 3: God’s Scandalous Kingdom

In the kingdom of God, “scandalous” proclaims a message that we may not at first welcome. Jesus shows us a God who turns temple tables over, calls out hypocrites, shows love for people who are broken and unlovable, looks at the heart as the true measure of human beings, grapples with vital principles like wealth and stewardship, and gives women dignity and a voice. This unit will explore four such instances in the Gospels, passages which have often been misunderstood but which point to God’s scandalously empowering Kingdom.

Unit 4: Places of Resurrection

Places of resurrection emerge throughout the Bible and throughout our lives, expressing all the ways Jesus breathes new life into us. In this unit, we will explore resurrection through specific places: the temple (John 2), the tomb (John 20), the locked room (John 20), and the church (Hebrews 10). These locations, as well as the points along the journey of faith they represent, will direct us toward holy encounters with God.