Can you....

This activity is a test to see if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced user of your new device. Please do not feel that you have to know how to do all of the following. By the end of the institute, you will be able to do all of the following commands. If you get stuck, the Resources page is a great place to find instructions.

1. Download and purchase apps.

2. Make Folders and organize apps

3. Move apps from 1 page to another

4. Take a picture

5. Record Video

6. Take a screenshot

7. Set up an email account

8. Reset your iPad

9. Set restrictions

10. Change the wallpaper

11. Lock rotation

12. Allow access to just 1 app

13. Split the keyboard

14. Add a keyboard

15. Turn webpages in to app icons or Set up favorites on Safari screen

Take me to the Resources page for help
