Welcome To Belington Elementary School

Where Attitude is EVERYTHING!

471 Morgantown Pike

Belington, WV  26250

Phone: 304-823-1411

Upcoming Events:


 March 4- Spring Pictures 

March 10 & 11- School Dentist 

March 11- 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Reward trip 

March 14- End of 3rd nine weeks 

March 17- All County at PB

March 18- Pre-K, Kindergarten, & 1st Reward trip 

March 21- Report Cards 

March 31- Spring Break 

April 1-4- Spring Break 

April 18- No school- Good Friday 

April 21- No School for students/Professional Dev. & Faculty Senate for staff

Internet Access:

The parking lot of Belington Elementary School has free Internet access.  Students can access this with their Kids Connect login information. The Belington Public Library has Internet access as well.

All Students will "EXCEL" academically, emotionally, and socially.

E- Engaged  

X- Exploring  

C- Communicating  

E- Empowered  

L- Leaders
