Live installation

 Galerija TukadMUNGA bo med 9. in 11. avgustom gostila berlinsko umetniško mrežo Aktuelle Achitektur der Kultur (AADK). AADK bo v sodelovanju s slovenskimi umetniki postavljala in predstavila Live instalation. 9. in 10. 8.: možen ogled nastajanja instalacije med 19 in 22 uro.11. 8.: predstavitev instalacije od 19 do 22 ure. Sodelujoči: Iskra Belisanska, Daniel James, Leja Jurisic, Mala Kline, Vladimir Leben, João Paulo Nasri and Vania Rovisco


To bring together distinct creative processes (such as encompassing various mediums, music, visual, dance, etc) to experiment with them using the body as a point of departure as well as a medium and destination to what is referred to as 'interventions in space'. We are challenged and challenging gallery spaces. The desire is to explore how to work in alternative/informal spatial contexts. Space, what relations can spatial disposition arouse in the public?

Does what is being proposed vary in understanding, when changing space? A vital part of this project is to explore what live installation is. The notion of presence seems to be constantly hovering in the work. What conception of the body are we to adopt or readopt, discover or rediscover when confronted with each other in such spaces? Another central issue is the occupation of space and the ways of dealing with it. Space transforms itself in the 'slipping' of the ready-mades into one another, to then spread out in their 'spilling' into expanding space. Since it all happens live, will spatial disposition greatly inform the process and it's collaborators? That is a much - wanted/sought risk... how will spatial disposition affect the process and its collaborators?