Legally Blonde

Legally Blonde

Rating: 4/5

Legally Blonde is a movie that I have loved for a long time. Not because it is necessarily a great movie, but because it is fun, quirky, and a unique addition to its' genre.

Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) is a bubbly, upbeat, and wealthy sorority girl in her senior year of college. On a date with her boyfriend Warner, she expects him to propose, but is shocked to find he wants to break up with her instead, explaining to Elle that she is not the type of girl he needs for his pre-law image.

Determined to get Warner back, Elle decides that she will enroll into Harvard Law and prove to Warner that she, can in fact be the right girl for him.

Reese Witherspoon's portrayal of Elle Woods is a wonderful spin on the sorority girl image. She gives Elle the stereotypical ditsy and naive qualities associated with the role, but doesn't overdo it. The way Witherspoon performs the role makes the moments when Elle stuns her peers with her intelligence feel believable.

Legally Blonde is a much needed addition to its' genre. There are so many movies that belong to the comedy category where the acting and story are lacking, so they rely on slapstick or immature humor to support the film. Legally Blonde has an original plot and the acting isn't as loud or outrageous as it is in some other comedies that have been released within the past decade or so.

So the plot for Legally Blonde seems improbable and a little silly, but who cares? It's not the type of movie that you watch to judge it for its' impressive film qualities. You watch Legally Blonde to have fun and be entertained and in that sense, it most certainly succeeds.