Benjamin Nelson - Research Pages

My research interests are in macroeconomics, with a focus on financial frictions, macro prudential policy, and monetary policy. I have also worked on international economics.

My RePEc listing is here.

I hold a D.Phil. (PhD) in economics from Nuffield College, Oxford. I also hold M.Phil. economics and B.A. economics & management degrees from Oxford. I am a member of the Centre for Macroeconomics.

Published articles

"House price dynamics, optimal LTV limits and the liquidity trap" (with Andrea Ferrero and Richard Harrison) (forthcoming), The Review of Economic Studies, [working paper version]

"Understanding the UK's wageless recovery" (2019), International Journal of Central Banking, Vol. 15, Number 5, pages 307-360, December.

"Credit traps and macro prudential leverage" (with Angus Foulis and Misa Tanaka) (2019), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 51, Issue 7, pages 1963-1998 [Working paper version]

"Do contractionary monetary policy shocks expand shadow banking?" (with Gabor Pinter and Kostas Theodoridis) (2018), Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 33, Issue 2, pages 198-211, March.

"Shadow banks and macroeconomic instability" (with Roland Meeks and Piergiorgio Alessandri) (2017), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 49, Issue 7, pages 1483-1516, October.

"Curbing the credit cycle" (with David Aikman and Andrew Haldane) (2015), The Economic Journal, Vol. 125, No. 585, pages 1072-1109.

"Simple banking: profitability and the yield curve" (with Piergiorgio Alessandri) (2015), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 47, No. 1, February. [working paper version]

"Reputation, risk-taking and macroprudential policy" (with David Aikman and Misa Tanaka) (2015), Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 50, pages 428-439, January. [working paper version]

"Trade flows, multilateral resistance, and firm heterogeneity" (with Alberto Behar) (2014), The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 96, No. 3, July, pages 538-549. [working paper version]

"Exports and international logistics" (with Alberto Behar and Phil Manners) (2013), Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 75(6), pages 855-886, December. [working paper version]

Other writing

"Macroprudential capital regulation in general equilibrium" (with Gabor Pinter) [working paper version]

"How might macroprudential capital policy affect credit conditions?" (with Rashmi Harimohan), Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, Q3 2014.

"Dealing with a banking crisis: what lessons can be learned from Japan's experience?" (with Misa Tanaka), Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, Q1 2014.

"How could macroprudential policy affect financial system resilience and credit? Lessons from the literature" (with Julia Giese, Misa Tanaka and Nikola Tarashev), Bank of England Financial Stability Paper No. 21, May 2013.

"Tails of the unexpected" (with Andrew Haldane), Given at “The Credit Crisis Five Years On: Unpacking the Crisis”, conference held at the

University of Edinburgh Business School, 8-9 June 2012.

"Staring into a black hole" (with Andrew Haldane), The Actuary, October 2012.