
Stéphane Baize, geologist at French Nuclear Safety Institute (IRSN).

Here is my research webpage.

My research activities and main areas of interest are related to seismic hazard analyses. At IRSN I am earthquake geologist in the seismic hazard division (BERSSIN).

As an earthquake geologist

- I perform paleoseismological surveys to characterize the activity of faults (magnitude and recurrence of past earthquakes) and to determine their long term slip rates, 

- I contribute with seismologists to model the earthquake sources to estimate the seismic (ground shaking) hazard,

- I am interested in historical earthquakes with surface ruptures, and applications to Fault Displacement Hazard,

- I am/have been working in several areas worldwide, on fast (New Zealand) and slow (Italy, Ecuador) interplate faults, to fast (Spain, Croatia) and slow (France, Kazakhstan, Upper Rhine Graben) intraplate faults.

Some highlights on my research are given in the projects page.

I love digging in the dirt ;o) (this trench is in the middle of the Ecuadorian Andes)

Seismic hazard assessment is not reduced to the study of active faults that we analyze at the surface. 

In Metropolitan France like elsewhere in intraplate areas, earthquakes that drive the hazard are usually not associated with known and outcropping fault sources. A solution is to define areal zones with similar seismotectonic characteristics, zones that are considered later in seismic hazard analyses as homogenous sources. Seismotectonic zones are drawn based on relevant geological, geophysical and geodetical data.

Transferring geological information to relevant data or parameters for seismic hazard is not straightforward, and many challenges arise when you start converting your results for SHA.


To achieve my research, I maintain collaborations with geologists, geophysists, seismologists and geodesists. I contribute(d) to several research projects in France and overseas (Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, USA, Italy, Spain, New Zealand...).

Regularly, I share info, ideas, data and interpretations based on my own experience and mainly on the published material. I focus mainly on the surface expression of historical and recent earthquakes.

Links to my Blog page:


Most of the material presented in these pages could not have been so without the (direct or indirect) contribution of my colleagues, especially in my institute (IRSN) (Oona Scotti, Marc Cushing, Hervé Jomard) but also the ones crossed all along my field and conference experiences.