Ayoung Hong
Autonomous and Intelligent Robotics Lab
Assistant Professor, College of AI Convergence, Chonnam National University
Robotics Engineering Major (Undergraduate school)
Department of AI Convergence (Graduate school)
77 Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju
Office : AI Convergence Building, Room 103
Tel : +82 62 530 4211
E-mail : ahong@jnu.ac.kr
Open positions
대학원 진학 및 학부 연구생 참여를 원하는 경우, e-mail: ahong@jnu.ac.kr 로 연락하기 바랍니다.
We are looking for motivated and creative undergraduate/graduate students. If you are interested in becoming a member of our research group, please read below.
Graduate program A prospective graduate student (master, ph.d., master-ph.d integrated program) may work on research projects including, but not limited to: (1) modeling and control of small devices in biomedical applications, (2) learning-based medical data analysis.
Undergraduate program We have several undergraduate student researchers working in the lab. We are looking for responsive and independent students for small projects.
We are also exploring new applications that the intelligent robotic systems can be applied to. If you are interested in joining our group, please directly contact Ayoung Hong for any opportunity.
Education & Experiences
Ph.D. in Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, 2019
Dissertation: A Flexible Needle with Fluoroscopic Imaging and Magnetic Steering for Neurosurgical Applications
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, 2012
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, 2009
Assistant Professor, Robotics Engineering, Chonnam National University, 2019 - current
Postdoctoral researcher, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2019
Research Assistant, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), 2013
Research Assistant, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Germany, 2012
"Real-time single view fluoroscopic localization for Deep Brain Stimulation", in preparation.
"Ascidian-inspired soft robots", under review.
H. Lee, J. Seo, G. Lee, J-O. Park, D. Yeo, and A. Hong, "Two-Stage Classification Method for MSI Status Prediction based on Deep Learning Approach", accepted for publication in Appl Sci.
A. Hong, A. J. Petruska, A. Zemmar, and B. J. Nelson, "Magnetic control of a flexible needle in neurosurgery," accepted for publication in IEEE Trans Biomed Eng.
A. Hong, Q. Boehler, R. Moser, L. Stieglitz, A. Zemmar and B. J. Nelson, “3D Path Planning for Flexible Needle Steering in Neurosurgery," Int J Med Robotics Comput Assist Surg 15(4), 2019.
B. Jang*, A. Hong*, C. Alcantara, G. Chatzipripiridis, X. Marti, E. Pellicer, J. Sort, Y. Harduf, Y. Or, B. J. Nelson, and S. Pane, “Programmable Locomotion Mechanisms of Hard-Magnetic Nanowires Near a Surface Boundary,” ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 11, 2019.
S. Mohanty, A. Hong, C. Alcantara, A. J. Petruska, and B. J. Nelson, “Stereo holographic diffraction based tracking of microrobots,” IEEE Robot Autom Lett 3(1), 2018.
B. Jang, A. Hong, H. Kang, C. Alcantara, S. Charreyron, F. Mushtaq, E. Pellicer, R. Büchel, J. Sort, S. Lee, B. J. Nelson and S Pane, “Multi-wavelength light-responsive Au/B-TiO2 Janus Micromotors,” ACS Nano 11, 2017.
A. Hong, D. G. Lee, and H. H. Bülthoff, and H. I. Son, “Multimodal Feedback for Teleoperation of Multiple Mobile Robots in an Outdoor Environment,” Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 11, 2017.
D. Ahmed, C. Dillinger, A. Hong, and B. J. Nelson, “Artificial acousto-magnetic soft microswimmers,” Adv Mater Technol 2(7), 2017.
A. Hong, B. Zeydan, S. Charreyron, M. F. Toy, O. Ergeneman, S. Pane, A. J. Petruska, and B. J. Nelson, “Real-Time Holographic Tracking for the 3D Control of Microrobots,” IEEE Robot Autom Lett 2(1), 2017.
B. Jang, W. Wang, S. Wiget, A. J. Petruska, X. Chen, C. Hu, A. Hong, D. Folio, A. Ferreira, S. Pane, and B. J. Nelson,“Catalytic Locomotion of Core-Shell Nanowire Motors,” ACS Nano 10(11), 2016.
A. J. Petruska, F. Ruetz, A. Hong, L. Regli, O. Sürücü, A. Zemmar, and B. J. Nelson, “Mag- netic Needle Guidance for Neurosurgery: Initial Design and Proof of Concept,” IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016.
A. Hong, A. J. Petruska, and B. J. Nelson, “Tracking a Magnetically Guided Catheter with a Single Rotating C-Arm,” IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, Seattle, US, 2015.
A. Hong, H. H. Bülthoff, and H. I. Son, “A Visual and Force Feedback for Multi-Robot Teleoperation in Outdoor Environments: A Preliminary Results,” IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013.
2020 Fall
로봇공학실습I, c++ programming and lab, Intelligent Robotics (Graduate course)
2020 Spring
로봇공학실습II, Machine Learning, Robotics
2019 Fall
로봇공학실습I, Microrobotics, Service Robotics