Videoconference meeting notes

December 1, 2020

  • Meeting notes

  • Presentation from Maria Weaver and Marco Fahmi. Mapping ABS census data vocabulary to A use case (slides and recording)

  • Presentation from Peter Sefton. Progress report on using, additional vocabularies and ad-hoc terms to describe and package research diverse research data collection using Research Object Crate v.1.1 (slides and recording)

September 1, 2020

  • Presentation from Rob Atkinson. Improving vocabulary content and access interoperability using profiling and Content Negotiation by Profile (slides and recording)

  • Presentation from Megan Wong. Application and challenges of applying controlled vocabularies for standardising soils data (slides and recording)

June 2, 2020

  • Meeting notes

  • Presentation from Natalia Atkins. Vocabulary reuse in the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) Vocabularies: from both a creation and ongoing perspective (slides and recording)

  • Presentation from Peter Sefton. Using in ro-crate. Challenges in extending it and dealing with ad-hoc vocabularies (slides and recording)

March 24, 2020

  • Meeting notes

  • Presentation from Rowan Brownlee. Extending an ANZSRC-FOR browse path by linking to the GCMD earth sciences keyword set (slides and recording)

  • Presentation from Les Kneebone. Mapping subject and research classifications - a case study (slides and recording)

December 03, 2019

June 18, 2019

March 5, 2019

  • Meeting notes

  • Presentation from Joel Benn and Richard Walker. What's new in RVA (slides and recording)

  • Presentation from Nicholas Car and and David Hearder. Longitudinal Spine. Linking Functional Classifications of Government (slides-A, slides-B, recording)

    • Additional slides from Nicholas Car (recording. Slides contained at the end of slides-A link in bullet point above)

December 4, 2018

  • Meeting notes

  • Presentation from Sophie Darnell. Creating a SKOS controlled vocabulary from user-generated keywords: Approaches and Challenges (slides and recording)

  • Presentation from Mark Finnane. Terminology and classification in The Prosecution Project (recording)

September 11, 2018

June 5, 2018

  • Meeting notes

  • Presentation from Nick Car. The G-NAF vocabularies – current technical SKOS vocab publication approaches (slides and recording)

  • Presentation from John Graybeal. Earth and environmental science vocabularies and vocabulary services: BioPortal and COR Vocabulary Services (slides and recording)

March 6, 2018

December 5, 2017

  • Meeting notes

  • Presentation from Diane Hillmann. Resource Description & Access (RDA) Vocab Infrastructure (slides and recording)

  • Presentation from Reuben Turk. How a general, open source, Content Management System caters for vocabularies (recording)

September 5, 2017

June 7, 2017

  • Meeting notes

  • Presentation from James Humffray. Healthdirect Australia and the Australian Health Thesaurus (slides as pdf & pptx, and recording)

  • Presentation from Nick Car and Simon Cox. Vocabularies & Ontologies: similarities & differences, definitions & structures. (slides and recording)

March 1, 2017

  • Meeting notes

  • Presentation from Simon Cox. Introduction to SKOS. Using SKOS to formalise vocabularies (slides)

  • Presentation from Nick Car. GA's Vocabulary system of systems (slides)

December 7, 2016

  • Meeting notes

  • Presentation from Les Kneebone. Australian education vocabularies (slides and recording)

  • Presentation from Sharyn Wise. Adventures in vocabularies for a multi-disciplinary thematic archive of water-related research (slides and recording)

September 7, 2016