Abhishek Srivastava

Professor, Computer Science & Engineering 

Dean, Faculty Affairs

IIT Indore

Ph.D. (Computing Science)

University of Alberta, Canada

The broad area of my research is service-oriented systems most commonly realised through web-services. More recently, my group has been interested in applying these ideas in the realm of Internet of Things. The ideas explored include coming up with technology agnostic solutions for seamlessly linking heterogeneous IoT deployments across domains. Further, we are also delving into utilising Machine Learning adapted for constrained environments to effectively make sense of the huge amounts of data that emanate from the vast network of IoT deployments.

Prior to this, I was an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA, for one academic year (September 2011 - May 2012).  I have a Ph.D. from the Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Canada. My Ph.D. supervisor is Dr. Paul G. Sorenson. I was into academics even before this while working as a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India.

Academic Experience

Administrative Responsibilities

      IIT Indore, 2012 - 2015

IIT Indore, 2015 - 2018

IIT Indore, 2022 - continuing


      IIT Indore, 2017-18

 IIT Indore, 2018 - 2019

Sponsored Research/Consultancy Projects

Current students

As a researcher I feel the most valuable resources that I have are my students. I currently have five Ph.D. students, and two Masters' students:

Ph.D. students

Arun Kumar: Arun joined our group in the Autumn semester of 2017. He is looking at optimising Machine Learning algorithms to make them effectively functional in the constrained environments of an IoT node. 

Ankit Kumar Jain: Ankit's work is towards the use of Learning algorithms for better assessment of low quality videos especially those that could potentially help in alleviating disasters. He has been part of our group since 2018.

Rupendra Pratap Singh Hada: Rupendra joined our group in the Autumn semester of 2021. His project is towards the use of machine learning algorithms to effectively detect forest fires.

Shekhar Tyagi: Shekhar joined our group in the Autumn semester of 2022. His project is towards the development of an Intrusion Detection System for constrained environments.

Masters' students

Shibani Das: Shibani joined our group in the Autumn semester of 2021. Her work is towards the extension of ontologies for wireless sensor networks.

Drishti Sharma: Drishti joined our group in the Autumn semester of 2022. Her thesis is directed towards effective detection of rumours on social media.

Graduated students

Tanveer Ahmed: Tanveer successfully defended his thesis in August 2018. His work was towards exploring and understanding the 'human in the loop' in otherwise automated environments. Tanveer is currently with Bennett University.

Rohit Verma: Rohit's project was geared towards developing effective means for hosting web-services using mobile devices being carried around by the crowd. The aim was to form useful composite web applications between the web-services hosted over such mobile devices. Rohit is currently serving as Assistant Professor with the National College of Ireland.

Dheeraj Rane: Dheeraj's research mainly involved the economic aspects of Cloud Computing. He worked towards the automation and dynamic up-gradation of SLA documents for services hosted on the cloud. Dheeraj is currently associated with IIT Indore DRISHTI CPS Foundation.

Gyan Prakash Tiwary: Gyan's work looked into issues of security in web-services over mobile devices and constrained environments like those of Internet of Things.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Please note that in the field of Computer Science, unlike a lot of other disciplines, conference publications are peer reviewed. Several conferences have very low acceptance rates and are considered as significant if not more than most reputed journals in the field. An interesting article on this can be found here

Copyright notice: Several papers are available for download. The papers are included here by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder(s).


I have always thoroughly enjoyed my teaching commitments and was honoured to receive the 'Teaching Excellence Award' at IIT Indore consecutively for the academic years 2017-18, and 2018-19.

The list of courses that I have had a chance to teach are as follows:

IIT Indore

❖ CS 103 Computer Programming

❖ CS 203 Data Structures and Algorithms

❖ CS 208 Software Engineering

❖ CS 305 Computer Architecture

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

❖ CSSE  220 Object-Oriented Software Development

❖ CSSE 372 Software Project Management

❖ CSSE 578 Software Construction

Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra

❖ CP 2101 Data Structures in C++

❖ CP 4107 Operating Systems

❖ CP 6109 Software Engineering

❖ MSE 1003 Object Oriented Modelling and Design

Media Coverage

Interview on our fire detection endeavours with INDIAai , June 2021

Times of India, September 2021


402 Scandium, POD 1 A

Discipline of Computer Science & Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Indore

Simrol, Indore

Phone: +91-731-6603248

Cell: +91-78985-15660

Email: asrivastava[AT]iiti.ac.in

My CV is available here.