Documentary Unit


  • Choose a song (School appropriate, if you do not have one download the attachment at the bottom of this page)


  • Create a new project

  • Save that project to your flashdrive

Final Assignment:


  • Being with 1 page, 6 frames (rough draft)

  • Final story board: 6 pages, 36 frames minimum (final draft)

    • Include shot angle, setting (where you are going to film), duration each shot/clip (20 seconds or 3 minutes)

      • Who is in the shot?

      • Dialogue, What is he/she/they saying?

      • Music in the background

      • Etc.


  • "Colonizing Mars"-Theme (Center)

  • Outer bubbles-

    • Central Idea/Format, i.e. Infomercial, Sitcom Shot, Documentary

    • What product(s) are you selling?

    • What service(s) are you selling?

    • Who are the characters? How Many?

    • Setting: Where is this going to take place?

      • Where are you going to film?

    • Facts:

      • Living on Mars requires...?

      • Why would we want to colonize Mars? What are the incentives? Minerals/Mines, Escaping Earth, Utopian Society


  • For every person/character that is in front of the camera


  • For every person/character that is in front of the camera

Final Criterion for Colonization Video

Due 4/15/16

  1. Theme: COLONIZING Celestial Entities!!!

  2. Choose a format for your video

    1. Documentary

    2. Commercial

      1. Infomercial

    3. Sitcom/TV Show

    4. Very very long music video

  3. Requirements: (so far)

    1. Your project must be min. 7 minutes long

    2. Must include factual information

      1. Infomercial maybe a made up product that provides a solution for a real problem. No alien blaster guns

    3. May work in group of 3

    4. Weekly progress checks

      1. You have 5 weeks to make this amazing!

Surreal Video

Due 12/14/16

  1. This is an Individual Assignment

  2. 5 Minute video minimum

  3. No Dialogue

  4. Soundtrack

  5. Themes: (PickOne)

    1. Social Darwinism

    2. Social Media and it's implications

      1. A person's well being

      2. Bullying

      3. Cyberdependancy

      4. Gaming/Online Addiction

    3. Tech and effects on human biology/psychology

    4. Humans w/o technological dependancies

    5. Race/Racism

    6. Imperialism

    7. Why kitty cat videos are taking over youtube

    8. Why stupidity is so prevalent on the internet?

    9. Human Development Vs. Nature

Youtube Tutorial Page:

Documentaries for Reference

"The Words in the Margins"

Google Document