
The genius Leonardo Da Vinci has once said "The mind of the painter must resemble a mirror, which always takes the colour of the object it reflects and is completely occupied by the images of as many objects as are in front of it." 

This pretty much sums up the artist B G Varma's outlook to life. A self made man and a self taught artist, Varma has tirelessly worked his creative journey through different avenues, and today his creative path has completed a full circle. Having an insatiable curiosity and a unique artistic expression, Varma has dabbled in many diverse forms of visual arts. He had started his career as a designer in an advertising firm, then moved on to publication design. From publication he stepped into the exciting but challenging world of political cartoons and caricature in the famous Shankers weekly. From Shankers weekly he moved on to book illustration and finally settled down to make his mark in the traditional field of oil painting. This website is a humble dedication to this multifaceted artist.