[ old news ]
Since 2024 Full Professor of Computer Science 🇫🇷 Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale (ULCO)
Member of the OSMOSE research group, LISIC (UR 4491)
Lecturer at EILCO (École d'Ingénieurs du Littoral Côte d'Opale)Since 2021 Collaborative Professor 🇯🇵 Shinshu University (honorary position, renewed in 2023)
2010 – 2023 Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) 🇫🇷 University of Lille
CRIStAL (UMR CNRS 9189) – Inria / Computer Science department (FST)2020 CNRS sabbatical 🇫🇷/🇯🇵 JFLI (IRL 3527) | Invited Professor 🇯🇵 University of Tokyo (6 months)
2014 + 2017 Invited Professor 🇯🇵 Shinshu University (2 months in 2014, 1 month in 2017)
2010 Post-doctoral Researcher 🇵🇹 University of Coimbra
2006 – 2009 PhD Student 🇫🇷 University of Lille
Recent and Ongoing Activities
Habilitation (HDR) Univ Lille (June 2022)
Co-director of the 🇫🇷/🇯🇵 MODŌ associated international laboratory with 🇯🇵 Shinshu Univ (since 2017)
Member of the scientific council of GDR RO and co-animator of the MH2PPC research axis (CNRS, since 2021)
Elected member of the national council of universities CNU 27 (2020–23)
Reproducibility chair for TELO (ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization, since 2023)
GECCO (ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference) — co-Track chair (EMO in 2019, BBSR in 2024, EMO in 2025), Proceedings chair (2018), Virtualization chair (2021), co-Hybrid scheduling chair (2023)
Director of studies of the the 2nd year computer engineering cycle at EILCO (since 2024)
Multi-objective combinatorial optimization, local search, algorithm design, benchmarking, landscape analysis
PhD students — G Pruvost (defended 2021) | N Berveglieri (2022) | A Jesus (2022) | R Cosson (2023)
Post-docs — F Daolio (2014–16) | S Zapotecas (2014–15)
International collaborations — 🇵🇹 Univ Coimbra | 🇬🇧 Univ Manchester | 🇭🇰 CityU | 🇯🇵 Shinshu Univ
Projects — MODŌ (since 2017) | BigMO (2017–21) | MOCO-Search (2018–20)
Chairing — EvoCOP 2018 | GECCO 2018 | EvoCOP 2019 | GECCO 2019 | GECCO 2021 | GECCO 2023 | GECCO 2024
Awards — EMO 2007 | EvoCOP 2011 | GECCO 2015 | GECCO 2023 | WCCI/CEC 2024
ParadisEO — a software framework for the design of metaheuristics
MoCObench — benchmark instances for multi-objective combinatorial optimization
MOEA/D — repository of the state-of-the-art developments on decomposition-based EMO