© Bram Belloni

Arjen van Lin

Associate Professor of Marketing

Tilburg School of Economics and Management

Tilburg University

The Netherlands


Published and forthcoming journal articles

- Guyt, Jonne, Arjen van Lin, and Kristopher Keller (2024), "Banning Unsolicited Store Flyers: Does Helping the Environment Hurt Retailing?" Marketing Science, accepted (download pdf)

- Van Lin, Arjen, Aylin Aydinli, Marco Bertini, Erica van Herpen, and Julia von Schuckmann (2023), "Does Cash Really Mean Trash? An Empirical Investigation into the Effect of Retailer Price Promotions on Household Food Waste," Journal of Consumer Research, 50 (4), 663-682 (download pdf)

- Pachali, Max, Marco Kotschedoff, Arjen van Lin, Bart Bronnenberg, and Erica van Herpen (2023), "How Do Nutritional Warning Labels Affect Prices?" Journal of Marketing Research, 60 (1), 92-109 (download pdf)

- Van Lin, Arjen and Els Gijsbrechts (2019), "“Hello Jumbo!” The Spatio-Temporal Rollout and Traffic to a New Grocery Chain After Acquisition," Management Science, 65 (5), 2388-2411 (download pdf)

-Eigenraam, Anniek, Jiska Eelen, Arjen van Lin, and Peeter Verlegh (2018), "A Consumer-Based Taxonomy of Digital Customer Engagement Practices," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 44, 102-121 (download pdf)

- Van Lin, Arjen and Els Gijsbrechts (2016), "The Battle for Health and Beauty: What Drives Supermarket and Drugstore Category-Promotion Lifts?," International Journal of Research of Marketing, 33 (3), 557-577 (download pdf)

- Van Lin, Arjen and Els Gijsbrechts (2014), “Shopper Loyalty to Whom? Chain versus Outlet Loyalty in the Context of Store Acquisitions,” Journal of Marketing Research, 51 (3), 352-370 (download pdf)

Selected working papers

-"Tracking the Environmental Costs of Household Grocery Purchases" (with Bart Bronnenberg, Trang Bui, Barbara Deleersnyder, Lesley Haerkens, George Knox, Max Pachali, Anna Paley, Robert Smith, and Samuel Stabler) (download pdf), revising for 2nd round review at Journal of Marketing

-"Making the Shelf Work for You: How Shelf Dimensions and Brand Types Influence the Shelf Placement Effect on Product Performance" (with Kristopher Keller), revising for 2nd round review at Journal of Marketing Research

-"Retiring the Store Flyer: Effects of Ceasing Print Store Flyers on Household Grocery Shopping Behavior" (with Jonne Guyt and Kristopher and Keller) (download pdf), under 1st round review

Book chapters

- Van Lin, Arjen and Els Gijsbrechts (2015), “Trouw, Maar aan Wie? Keten- versus Winkelpuntloyaliteit in de Context van Winkelovernames [Shopper Loyalty to Whom? Chain versus Outlet Loyalty in the Context of Store Acquisitions],” in MOA Jaarboek 2015: ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek [MOA Yearbook 2015: developments in marketing research], 109-126. 



- Introduction to Research in Marketing, MSc Marketing

- Master Thesis supervision, MSc Marketing


- Retail Management and E-Commerce, MSc Marketing

- Marketing Engineering, BSc Economics

- Business Research Methods, BSc International Business Administration

- Master Thesis supervision, MSc Marketing

- Conjoint Analysis and Market Simulation, Summerschool


2022-now: Associate Professor of Marketing, Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University

2021-now: Academic Director MSc Marketing Analytics, Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University

2018-2022: Assistant Professor of Marketing, Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg University

2013-2018: Assistant Professor of Marketing, School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Educational Background

2014:   PhD in Marketing, Tilburg University, Committee: Els Gijsbrechts (chair), Bart Bronnenberg, Marnik Dekimpe, Edward Fox, Laurens Sloot, and Jan-Benedict Steenkamp

2010:   MPhil in Marketing, Tilburg University (cum laude)

2009:   MSc in Marketing Research, Tilburg University (cum laude)

2008:   MSc in Marketing Management, Tilburg University (cum laude)

2007:   BSc in International Business Administration, Tilburg University


Arjen van Lin

Tilbug University

Tilburg School of Economics and Management

Marketing Department

PO Box 90153

5000LE Tilburg, the Netherlands

E-mail: avanlin@uvt.nl