I am an assistant professor in economics at University of Montpellier

 in the Center for Environmental Economics - Montpellier

Contact: antoine.pietri[at]umontpellier.fr

More in my ResearchGate Page

Research Interests:  conflicts, links conflicts-environment, public economics. 


[Registered Report] : Sacrifice, intergroup conflict and cooperation. Experimental evidence, with S. Varaine, G. Cheikbossian, D. Dubois, D. Montoya Herrera, submitted.

[Registered Report] : Are people conditionally parochial? Elicititing cooperative strategies in intergroup conflict, with S. Varaine, G. Cheikbossian, D. Dubois, submitted.

`Enemies with benefits': On the rationale of trading arms with an enemy, with J. Malizard, available upon request.

Tullock ContESSt in the lab, with G. Cheikbossian, submitted.


Interdire les voitures pour promouvoir les vélos? Une étude sur la ville de Tours, Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine, 2023, 4, pp. 551-578. 

God did not save the kings’: Environmental consequences of the 1982 Falklands War, with S. Panel, Ecological Economics, 2022, 201, 107580

State predation in historical perspective: The case of Ottoman Müsadere practice, 1695-1839, with Y. Arslantas and M. Vahabi, Public Choice, 2020, 182(3-4), pp. 417-442.

French arms exports and intrastate conflicts: An empirical investigation, with C. Fauconnet and J. Malizard, Defence and Peace Economics, 2019, 30(2), pp. 176-196.

How does size matter for military success? Evidence from virtual worlds, with C. D. Mildenberger, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2018, 154, pp. 137-155.

Le binge drinking est-il toujours profitable à l’industrie alcoolière ? Un modèle épidémique de la consommation d’alcool, with M. Spach, Revue Économique, 2018, 69(4), pp. 635-646. Media Coverage: Les Echos. English version [here]

Les modèles de "rivalité coercitive" dans l’analyse économique des conflits, Revue d'Économie Politique, 2017, 127(3), pp. 307-352.

The economics of empire-building: Predatory and price competitions, with T. Tazdaït and M. Vahabi, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2017, 173(2), pp. 253-278.