
See also my profile at Google Scholar.

Journal Publications:

  1. Antonioni, Martinez-Vaquero, Mathis, Peel, Stella, Drunk Game Theory: Individual Perceptions in Evolutionary Games, under review.

  2. Lozano, Antonioni, Tomassini, Sánchez (2018), Cooperation on Dynamic Networks within an Uncertain Reputation Environment, Scientific Reports, forthcoming.

  3. Stella, Selakovic, Antonioni, Andreazzi (2018), Community Interactions Determine the Role of Species in Parasite Spreading Amplification: the Ecomultiplex Network Model, eLife 7: e32814. [link]

  4. Antonioni, Pereda, Cronin, Tomassini, Sánchez (2018), Collaborative Hierarchy Maintains Cooperation in Asymmetric Games, Scientific Reports 8: 5375. [link]

  5. Iotti, Antonioni, Bullock, Darabos, Tomassini, Giacobini (2017), Infection Dynamics on Spatial Small-World Network Models, Physical Review E 96(5): 052316. [link]

  6. Antonioni and Tomassini (2017), A Growing Social Network Model in Geographical Space, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: 093403. [link]

  7. Antonioni and Cardillo (2017), Coevolution of Synchronization and Cooperation in Costly Networked Interactions, Physical Review Letters 118: 238301. [link]

  8. Stella, Andreazzi, Selakovic, Goudarzi, Antonioni (2016), Parasite Spreading in Spatial Ecological Multiplex Networks, Journal of Complex Networks 5 (3), 486-511. [link]

  9. Antonioni, Sánchez, Tomassini (2016), Cooperation Survives and Cheating Pays in a Dynamic Network Structure with Unreliable Reputation, Scientific Reports 6: 27160. [link]

  10. Javarone, Antonioni, Caravelli (2016), Conformity-Driven Agents Support Ordered Phases in the Spatial Public Goods Game, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 114(3): 38001. [link]

  11. Antonioni, Tomassini, Sánchez (2015), Short-Range Mobility and the Evolution of Cooperation: An Experimental Study, Scientific Reports 5: 10282. [link]

  12. Tomassini and Antonioni (2015), Lévy Flights and Cooperation Among Mobile Individuals, Journal of Theoretical Biology 364: pp. 154-161. [link]

  13. Antonioni, Cacault, Lalive, Tomassini (2014), Know Thy Neighbor: Costly Information Can Hurt Cooperation in Dynamic Networks, PLoS ONE 9(10): e110788. [link]

  14. Antonioni, Sánchez, Tomassini (2014), Global Information and Mobility Support Coordination Among Humans, Scientific Reports 4: 6458. [link]

  15. Szolnoki, Antonioni, Tomassini, Perc (2014), Binary Birth-Death Dynamics and the Expansion of Cooperation by means of Self-Organized Growth, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 105(4): 48001. [link]

  16. Antonioni, Tomassini, Buesser (2014), Random Diffusion and Cooperation in Continuous Two-Dimensional Space, Journal of Theoretical Biology 344: pp. 40-48. [link]

  17. Buesser, Tomassini, Antonioni (2013), Opportunistic Migration in Spatial Evolutionary Games, Physical Review E 88(4): 042806. [link]

  18. Antonioni, Cacault, Lalive, Tomassini (2013), Coordination on Networks: Does Topology Matter?, PLoS ONE 8(2): e55033. [link]

  19. Antonioni and Tomassini (2012), Degree Correlations in Random Geometric Graphs, Physical Review E 86(3): 037101. [link]

  20. Antonioni and Tomassini (2012), Cooperation on Social Networks and Its Robustness, Advances in Complex Systems 15(1): 1250046. [link]

  21. Antonioni and Tomassini (2011), Network Fluctuations Hinder Cooperation in Evolutionary Games, PLoS ONE 6(10): e25555. [link]

Conference Proceedings:

  1. Antonioni, Bullock, Darabos, Giacobini, Iotti, Moore, Tomassini (2015), Contagion on Networks with Self-Organised Community Structure, ECAL 2015: pp. 183-190. [link]

  2. Antonioni, Bullock, Tomassini (2014), REDS: An Energy-Constrained Spatial Social Network Model, ALIFE 2014: pp. 368-375. [link]

  3. Antonioni, Egloff, Tomassini (2013), An Agent-Based Model for Spatial Social Networks, ECAL 2013: pp. 226-231. [link]

  4. Pestelacci, Tomassini, Antonioni (2011), Coordination Games on Small-Worlds: Artificial Agents vs. Experiments, ECAL 2011: pp. 654-661. [link]

  5. Antonioni, Enrici Bellom, Montabone, Venturino (2010), A Mathematical Model for the Bee Hive of Apis Mellifera, ICNAAM 2010: pp. 712-715. [link]

Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer School 2014 Proceedings:

  1. Antonioni, Martinez-Vaquero, Mathis, Peel, Stella (2014), Dynamical Game Theory, aka Drunk Game Theory (DGT). [link]

  2. Andreazzi, Antonioni, Goudarzi, Selakovic, Stella (2014), Disease Spreading on Ecological Multiplex Networks. [link]

  3. Marquitti, Wu, Martinez-Vaquero, Stella, Antonioni, Graebner, Krese (2014), Persistence of Pollination Systems. [link]

  4. Antonioni, Brummer, Edwards, Furtado, Holdener, Kalyuzhny, Lagesse, LaScala-Gruenewald, Liu, Mehta (2014), Can Simple Models Reproduce Complex Transportations Networks: Human Cities and Ant Colonies. [link]

Doctoral Thesis:

Antonioni (2015), Evolutionary Games in Networked Populations: Models and Experiments. [link]

Master Thesis:

Antonioni (2010), Classical NP-Complete Problems Associated to Logical Games. [link]

Bachelor Thesis:

Antonioni (2008), The AKS Algorithm.

(Le Carnaval d'Arlequin, Miró 1925)