
I'm the Johan Björkman professor of economics at the Stockholm School of Economics mainly doing meta-science and behavioral and experimental economics. I am currently on sabbatical at IIES, Stockholm University.

I am an Editor at the recently launched Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics.  We care more about credible results than clear results and have a Registered Report track: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/journals/jpemi/data-generation-guidelines

I am a Wallenberg Scholar, a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA), and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).

I am involved in Lab2 - a new research hub for meta science work with a focus on economics. Please also see the Institute for Replication

Right now I am mainly interested in replications broadly defined (more here on definitions) and predicting replication outcomes as well as new hypothesis tests. Here are some papers on economics in Science, psychology in Science, Nature and Science replications and predictions in Nature Human Behaviour, predicting psychology outcomes in PNAS, exploring design heterogeneity in PNAS, and looking at variation in results with a multi-analyst approach in Journal of Finance. Here is a summary of much of this in Swedish. 

Please check out Lab2 - a new research hub. If you are interested in "many labs" and multi-analyst studies in economics, please check it out (new studies are coming soon!).

If you are interested in reproducing or replicating studies, see the Institute for Replication. This was recently presented in Nature, and we are now collaborating with Nature Human Behaviour.

We are also looking at selective reporting of placebo tests in economics

Together with coauthors I am working on large hormone administration projects like our contraceptive pill paper in Management Science and a massive testosterone administration project led by Justin Carré.

I am also an Associate Editor at the Journal of Political Economy

Photo: Magnus Bergström