Aniol Llorente-Saguer

Professor in Economics at

Queen Mary University of London

Research Fellow at CEPR

School of Economics and Finance

Queen Mary University of London

Mile End Road

London E1 4NS, England

Office: GC513

Phone: +44 (0)20 7882 8420

Fax: +44 20 8983 3580


Research Interests

Political Economy, Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Corporate Governance

Curriculum Vitae


Working Papers

"Beyond Value: on the Role of Symmetry in Demand for Information"
With Santiago Oliveros and Ro'i Zultan

"Public Information as a Source of Disagreement Among Shareholders"
With Laurent Bouton, Antonin Macé, Adam Meirowitz, Shaoting Pi, and Dimitrios Xefteris 

"Bargaining Over Multiple Issues Under Complete Information"
With Rafael Hortala-Vallve

Refereed Journal Publications

"Voting Rights, Agenda Control and Information Aggregation"
With Laurent Bouton, Antonin Macé and Dimitrios Xefteris
Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.

"Designing Contests between Heterogeneous Contestants:
An Experimental Study of Tie-Breaks and Bid-Caps in All-Pay Auctions"
With Roman Sheremeta and Nora Szech
Featured at
European Economic Review,  2023, 154, 104327.

"Runoff Elections in the Laboratory"
With Laurent Bouton, Jorge Gallego and Rebecca Morton
Economic Journal, 2022, 132(641), 106-146.

"Information Aggregation and Turnout in Proportional Representation: A Laboratory Experiment"
With Helios Herrera and Joseph McMurray
Journal of Public Economics, 2019, 179, 104051.

"The Marginal Voter's Curse"  
With Helios Herrera and Joseph McMurray
Economic Journal, 2019, 624, 3137-3153.

"The Power of Sunspots: An Experimental Analysis"
With Dietmar Fehr and Frank Heinemann
Journal of Monetary Economics, 2019, 103, 123-136.

"Get Rid of Unanimity Rule: The Superiority of Majority Rules with Veto Power"
With Laurent Bouton and Frédéric Marlherbe
Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 126, 107-149.
See our related column at and
- Extended Section 6: Common-Value, Information Aggregation, and Veto Power in Practice

"Equilibrium Selection in Sequential Games with Imperfect Information"
With Jon Eguia, Becky Morton and Antonio Nicolò
Games and Economic Behavior, 2018, 109, 465-483.
[Data], [Online Appendix]

"Collusion and Information Revelation in Auctions"
With Ro'i Zultan
European Economic Review, 2017, 95, 84-102.
[Data and Replication files]

"Unanimous Rules in the Laboratory"
With Laurent Bouton and Frédéric Marlherbe
Games and Economic Behavior, 2017, 102, 179-198.

"Multicandidate Elections: Aggregate Uncertainty in the Laboratory"
With Laurent Bouton and Micael Castanheira
Games and Economic Behavior, 2017, 101, 132-150.

"Do Direct-Democratic Procedures Lead to Higher Acceptance Than Political Representation?"
With Emanuel Towifg, Sebastian J. Goerg, Andreas Glockner, Philip Leifeld, Sophie Bade and Carlos Kurschilgen
Public Choice, 2016, 167, 47-65.

"Divided Majority and Information Aggregation: Theory and Experiment"
With Laurent Bouton and Micael Castanheira
Journal of Public Economics, 2016, 134, 114-128.

"The Role of Information in Different Bargaining Protocols"
With Rafael Hortala-Vallve and Rosemarie Nagel
Experimental Economics, 2013, 16, 88-113.

"Competitive Equilibrium in Markets for Votes"
With Alessandra Casella and Thomas R. Palfrey
Journal of Political Economy, 2012, 120, 593-658.

"Pure-Strategy Nash Equilibria in non-zero sum Colonel Blotto games"
With Rafael Hortala-Vallve
International Journal of Game Theory, 2012, 41, 331-343.

"A Simple Mechanism for Resolving Conflict"
With Rafael Hortala-Vallve
Games and Economic Behavior, 2010, 70, 375-391.