

We propose a class of no-dominance term structure models that allow for flexible time series dynamics, stochastic volatility, and the zero low bound behavior of interest rates.

The affine model structure, and the constraints typically imposed by structural models that risk premia be driven exclusively by volatility are enough to very precisely extract volatility factors from the cross-section.

We find that the average investor in the variance swap market is indifferent to news about future variance at horizons ranging from 1 quarter to 14 years. These results present a challenge to many structural models.

I propose a general pricing framework that extracts risk-neutral loss given default from CDS and options data.

We show that a world inflation factor, through the risk compensation channel, is largely responsible for the co-movements of bond yields at long horizons.

We develop and study a term structure model with multiple lags under P but one lag under Q (as called for by the data).

We show that, relative to a factor-VAR, the role of no-arbitrage restrictions in a canonical gaussian term structure model is rather minimal.

A structural term-structure model with recursive preferences is proposed with market prices of risks almost as flexible as those of reduced-form models. The structural constraints are nonlinear endogenous consumption and inflation drifts.

A rich class of discrete-time nonlinear dynamic term-structure models is developed with analytical bond prices and conditional likelihood.

Working Papers: 

Risk premia embedded in gold loans are highly time varying and significantly positively related to the steepness of the gold yield curves.

The tight linkage between the risk neutral and physical drifts, imposed by the admissibility constraint, is the very source of affine stochastic volatility models' failure in matching the EH in the data.

We find that a higher short-run volatility component of bond yields significantly predicts a higher future excess return, above and beyond the predictive power of the yields. The long-run volatility component does not predict bond excess returns.