«Someone once said thatit is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism.We can now revise that and witness the attemptto imagine the end of capitalism by way of imagining the end of the world.»Fredric Jameson, Future city

Electricity Markets (2008-2012)

During my Ph.D. years, I've studied Electricity Markets from a portfolio manager's viewpoint, in order to price and hedge positions on electricity spot/forward price derivatives. Irreversible investment, arbitrage theory, real option theory and portfolio constraints on physical assets are invoked to deal with realistic risk hedging for an electricity provider.

Macroeconomic Modeling via Dynamical Systems (2013-2018)

Those works are dedicated to study the Goodwin and Keen models of endogenous growth from a mathematical or numerical viewpoint, and study several alternatives linked to monetary and financial issues : the effect of prices and inflation, credit impact on demand and Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis representation.

Inter/intra-agents consistency in finance (2014-2019)

I study time-inconsistent optimal stopping problems for real options and portfolio liquidation applications, pre-emption in irreversible investment in duopolies, and insurance portfolio sharing for heterogeneous agents. Mostly related to mathematical finance and optimal control theory.

Ecological Economics & Climate (2018-)

I raise several Macroeconomic issues related to modeling the interaction between energy, growth, climate mitigation and finance.

Experimental Green Finance (2021-)

I take interest in finance laboratory experiments dedicated to professionals preferences, in particular with regards to socially responsible investment and climate related issues.