Student supervision

I regularly supervise students e.g. for Bachelor or Master thesis projects. Below you can find a list of past students and their projects, as well as a list of potential projects for future students. If you are interested in one of them, or have your own idea you'd like to explore, get in touch!

Available thesis projects:

Current students:

Past students:

thesis: Influence of the Gulf Stream and AMOC on Norway and its fjords

thesis: Drivers of seasonal and diurnal particulate material load patterns in northern Norwegian fjords: Using ADCP backscatter to contribute to improvement of baseline knowledge and management

thesis: Upper ocean variability around the South Orkney Plateau, Antarctica, driven by large-scale climate patterns

thesis: Interannual variability (2014-2019) of hydrography, fluorescence and nutrient distribution in Vestfjorden, Lofoten

thesis: Sympagic-pelagic coupling and vertical export in two seasonally ice-covered fjords

thesis: Sea Ice Variability: Implications for the Development of Maritime Activities around Svalbard

Master internship report: Investigation of biological and physical drivers influencing distribution of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) around the South Orkney Islands

thesis: CTD in Kaldfjorden

thesis: Pelagic-Benthic Coupling in a Northern Norwegian Fjord Over Winter: Considering Seasonality in High-Latitude Aquaculture