Open positions!

There are 4 positions available to join our group in October 2021, plus 1 PhD fellowship to start mid 2022. Although there are descriptions below, I suggest intersted people to contact me for further details at

  1. Postdoctoral researcher in experimental synthetic biology. Full time - 1.75 years (+1 year renewable). Salary: 30.900 € gross per annum. This exciting Postdoc opening is looking for a synthetic biologists or molecular biology / genetic engineer expert to join a highly interdisciplinary team at the Biocomputing with Synthetic Biological Systems research line of the Centre for Biotechnology (CBGP) - Technical University of Madrid (UPM). You will work on engineering genetic circuits in bacteria to analyse information-processing dynamics both at the intra-cellular and inter-cellular (synthetic consortia) levels. Can we go beyond the combinatorial Boolean abstraction of genetic logic gates? Can we exploit the rich catalogue of cellular mechanisms to engineer new-to-Nature biocontrollers / biocomputations? Sure we can ;-) This position will aim at answering these questions, taking the soil bacteria Pseudomonas putida as the workhorse--apart from . for rapid prototyping. You will have demonstrable laboratory experience in synthetic biology, microbiology or genetic engineering, e.g., dna sequencing and synthesis, plasmids and chromosomal manipulation techniques, genetic circuit design and assembly, dna replication, stability, RNAs, cloning and transformation in multiple bacterial chassis, RNAseq tools,

  1. Postdoctoral researcher in theoretical systems biology and complex systems. Full time - 1.75 years (+1 year renewable). Salary: 30.900 € gross per annum. This exciting Postdoc opening is looking for a theoretical biophysicist, mathematical biologists or computer scientist with strong background in dynamic mathematical modelling and computational simulations to join a highly interdisciplinary team at the Biocomputing with Synthetic Biological Systems research line of the Centre for Biotechnology (CBGP) - Technical University of Madrid (UPM). You will work on modelling molecular dynamics for building synthetic biological networks e.g. genetic and mRNA circuits, protein-protein interactions, intra-cellular communication, etc. Can we go beyond the combinatorial Boolean abstraction of genetic logic gates? Can we exploit the rich catalogue of cellular mechanisms to engineer new-to-Nature biocontrollers / biocomputations? Sure we can ;-) This position will aim at answering these questions. You will have demosntrable laboratory experience in theoretical systems biology, control engineering, or complex systems analysis. Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, stochastic algorithms, agent-based modelling, statistical analysis.

  1. Laboratory technician. Full time - 1.75 years (+1 year renewable). Salary: 20.600 € gross per annum. We are looking for a molecular biology laboratory technician to assist in the laboratory daily activity e.g. prepare plates, media, grow strains, stock control, etc. You will work independently, as well as in a team, supporting research activities and providing technical support. We are a synthetic biology laboratory taht works with bacteria, so you will have demosntrable experinece working in bacterial biotechnology setups.

  1. Project manager / admin assistant. Part time (20h/w) - 1.75 years (+1 year renewable). Salary: 13.333 € gross per annum (equivalent to approx. 25.000 € full-time). We are looking for a project manager to work on ongoing research grants in our lab. You will have exoperience managing scientific groups / activities. The tasks you will carry out include reading funding documentation, set up agendas (meetings, financial reports), assist coordination between partners, submit formal documents to funding agencies, etc.

  1. PhD candidate in experimental synthetic biology. Full time, 4 years. We offer a PhD fellowship under the Spanish program FPI. This pre-doc opening is looking for a molecular biologist / bioengineer or related to work on microbial synthetic biology. You will work on designing and building bacterial consortia that will perform new-to-Nature tasks with environmental and biotechnological value. You will join a highly interdisciplinary team at the Biocomputing with Synthetic Biological Systems research line of the Centre for Biotechnology (CBGP) - Technical University of Madrid (UPM). This implies you will have close collaborations with computer scientists, engineers and mathematicians. It is expected you engage in national and international collaborations, write reports and engage in group dynamics, like reading clubs and meeting