Three Variations


Especially from up high, the eye adores

This city, from a distance, in the evening

And life is wonderful again, - although, of course,

The last few times have proved to be deceiving.

Have I gone mad or is this love? I cannot say…

No matter what it is, this time I’m certain

That not a thing will change from day to day,

And every time I pull aside the curtains,

I feel convinced that I will recognize

The scenery unchanged. To put it loosely,

I will not miss much if I close my eyes,

As one might do when listening to music…


Especially from up high, the eye adores

This city, from a distance, in the evening…

I lay beside you and I hear your breathing,

I watch you sleeping and I’m short of words.

Have I gone mad or is this love? I cannot say…

No matter what it is, this time I’m certain

That any choice I make is inadvertent.

I know that life is predetermined in some way.

I feel convinced that I will recognize

The scenery unchanged. To put it loosely,

Somehow I know that I will never lose you

As we awake and watch the sun arise.


I watch you sleeping and I’m short of words.

I lay beside you and I hear your breathing,

And life is wonderful again, - although, of course,

The last few times have proved to be deceiving.

I know that life is predetermined in some way,

That any choice I make is inadvertent,

That not a thing will change from day to day,

And every time I pull aside the curtains

As we awake and watch the sun arise,

Somehow, I know that I will never lose you;

I will not miss much if I close my eyes,

As one might do when listening to music…