My guiding star vanished...

My guiding star vanished into pitch black,

I'm tracking off course with the wind at my back,

My beagle believes he's the head of the pack,

And will not acknowledge that I am his owner.

That's just the start - money's long out of bloom,

The house we live in has ran out of room,

The webs in my bedroom wont yield to a broom,

It feels like I'm cornered without a corner.

My in-laws just finished preaching their morals,

My two year old's probably growing her molars,

Sometimes I'm convinced that my wife is bi-polar,

The couch is cold and my Harpoon is frozen.

My life's overcome with a million bothers,

Much of the time, I feel totally smothered,

But given the chance to trade it in for another,

I would happily stay with the one that I've chosen.