Her Love

I swept the asphalt with my feet

I walked below the dark gray skies

I turned and faced the wind to plead,

“What do I need, what do I need?”

And it replied, “Her eyes, her eyes...”

I heard the wind and froze in place

The world around me seemed so bleak

I faced the sun and asked, half-dazed,

“What do I seek? What do I seek?”

And it replied, “Her face, her face...”

It seemed my sorrow had no ends

Behind me, gold foliage dragged

I asked the cloud, in a trance,

“What do I lack? What do I lack?”

And it replied, “Her hands, her hands...”

The sky was dark and winds were rough

As lightening struck and thunder groaned

I asked the rain from high above

“What do I want? What do I want?”

And it replied, “Her love, her love...”