Cadillac, Bar Harbor

The stars burst all around the slopes

Of Cadillac, where we lay, huddled.

The universe - under the microscope!

We, - dazed and befuddled.

Beyond the bend, the sun felt no need

To rush to the harbor’s revival.

Under the veil of night, the speed

Of memory had no rivals.

I strained my eyes, as if I could glimpse

The past, far enough to observe

Every second that passed by since

The quiet day of my birth.

In this bitter cold, with the wind biting

Our limbs, clutching for us in the dark,

A star rolled down, alighting

The sky with a fizzling spark.

The peak of the mountain was then erased

To the width of a needle tip,

Our bodies locked in a warm embrace,

Compressed, so as not to slip.

The universe and our blood pulsating

In step, made a permanent link.

We fell asleep, with the night permeating

Our dreams with its prevalent ink.