Before that instant...


Before that instant, you were just a concept

And even now I struggle to conceive

That you are in existence. From the onset,

I woke up with a sense of disbelief –

The bed appeared – an island in the ocean –

Beyond its borders was a foreign place.

I stepped onto the floor with greatest caution

Afraid to slip and drift off into space.

The pharmacy was just around the corner,

She disappeared behind the bathroom door.

Before the word, the universe was dormant

And no one knew just what it had in store.

I stared into her eyes, surprised to see

That someone else was staring back at me.


That someone else was staring back at me

Was unmistakable. She was a different person.

Her eyes spilled over - water to the knee -

And I was taken by the current and submersed in

The tears that ran unconscious down her cheek,

Dumbfounded, I needed confirmation.

She lost her voice, but didn’t have to speak -

Her eyes contained the needed information.

Before the word, the universe was vacant.

The sky hung black, hung over from the night.

A second passed, and in that very second,

All of eternity was cast onto its side.

She simply nodded, and I felt imbued.

It started with a breath. And life ensued.


It started with a breath. And life ensued -

Almighty’s arm extending towards Adam.

A kink in time. It paused and then resumed.

And only we had noticed what had happened,

But sworn to secrecy, we kept it to ourselves,

And passersby went on about their business,

The pimply youth went back to stocking shelves,

Completely unaware of your existence.

Before the word, the universe was frozen.

Black ice was spreading cobwebs on the street,

But in that instant, we grew slightly closer

And all the doubts started to recede.

The next few days were a perplexing blur.

I searched for answers, mesmerized by her.


I searched for answers, mesmerized by her

Controlled and carefree, unassuming manner.

All prior stress and worries were deferred,

She glowed herself and lit the room with splendor.

I had some time to scribble in my pad

And capture moments just as they unfolded.

The mirrors smiled every chance they had

And autumn paved the world around us golden.

Her stomach grew. Unnoticed, weeks flew by

And little changed. There was no pain or nausea.

Then, suddenly, her fever ran sky high.

Bronchitis wrought her lungs into exhaustion.

Bed-ridden, she lied helpless on her back

For three long weeks, the universe was black.


For three long weeks, the universe was black.

I prayed to gods I knew did not exist.

Then, suddenly, the cold horizon cracked

And sunshine spread across the silver mist.

A bit of warmth, and shaking off the ice,

She smiled and proceeded to start nesting.

The universe gave off two quiet sighs,

And smiled from afar while you were resting.

We tracked your progress on the laptop screen.

I read you poetry before you could discern it.

My heart did somersaults upon a trampoline

And yours played hide and seek behind a curtain.

And future, so unthinkable and distant,

Waned ever softly to that wondrous instant.