"Your mother wanted 'Alexandra'..."

Your mother wanted “Alexandra”

But I prefer the shorter - “Sasha”

There’s such proximity and passion,

There’s something so distinctly Russian

That’s captured in that second “s” -

There’s strikes of lightning and thunder,

There’s skies of cobalt, emerald eyes,

There’s willows swaying, butterflies,

There’s music playing, improvised,

With feelings words cannot express.

Sure, “Alexandra” has its merits -

There’s leather gloves and broken hearts,

There’s dignity and high regards,

There’s history, performing arts,

And firmness that will not be softened.

There’s secrets known to only parents,

And while the time is passing slow,

And while we watch the melting snow,

Though we won’t say it, we both know

That you’ll be “Sashen’ka” most often.