"Let's set some time aside for love..."

Let’s set some time aside for love.

We’ll wake up early in the morning,

Concerned with work we’re dreaming of,

Which always proves to be concerning.

I’ll make the bed and brush my teeth.

You’ll make a toasted turkey sandwich

For me to take to work. We’ll leave

On time for once. Somehow, I’ll manage

To teach my students to graph lines

Without a graphing calculator

To reproduce - change over time -

A wage made by an average waiter.

You’ll search for errors in some code

(It’ll prove to be an extra comma).

The sun will sink. We’ll hit the road

And think about the passing summer.

We’ll throw the trash out, do the dishes.

We’ll eat our dinner, clean the table

And crash onto the couch, wishing

To sleep a bit, but won’t be able.

We’ll go online to look for faucets,

Discuss refinishing the basement

And how our bedroom needs more closets,

And just before the evening’s wasted,

We’ll light a smoke and drink some wine

To ease our headaches just enough

For us to pause and find some time

To set some time aside for love…